I know that your Thanksgiving table is supposed to be surrounded by friends and family, but let’s face it, some of those people you only see this one time of year. Occasionally, that means the conversation lulls, and silence hovering over a Thanksgiving table is just as uncomfortable as your cousin Brenda’s overly revealing top.
So, in my infinite wisdom {read: socially anxious state of mind}, I decided to come up with some conversation starters to keep the talk hopping along. They are light and airy, and pair nicely with turkey and pie.
- If you could go back in time for five minutes, where would you go and why?
- If you won the lottery today, what would you do with it?
- If you could ask one person from history a question, what would it be?
- Would you rather be able to fly or breath underwater? Why?
- If you could only eat one food on this table for the rest of the year, what would it be?
- If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be? Why?
- What’s the best thing you received this year?
- What is the best book you read this year?
- What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?
- If you could have named yourself, what would you have picked?
I say keep it fun, learn something about the people you call family or friend, and maybe even learn something about yourself…all while you gobble down plates full of goodness.
Happy Thanksgiving,
~ Mavis
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Debbie says
Thank you, I plan on using your list of questions. We have an art project every year for those who wish to participate. This year we are doing pinch pots with air dry clay and hand forming a simple bird to add to the project. In the past we have shot BB guns at cans in the backyard and had silly outdoor games with husbands and wives competing against each other. Last year we had a photo scavenger hunt in my MIL’s neighborhood. My niece and her husband cheated though. 🙂 My daughter in law has played the harp a couple of years for part of our entertainment. Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday because I think it lends itself to the opportunity to really focus on your family and friends. Blessings to you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving!
lynne says
Now if only my family would use this list, instead of the usual politics & religion, of which we all differ {insert groan here}. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Mavis, and Thank you for a great blog! 🙂
Lana says
LOL! Same here. There is never a lull in the conversation but rather some shouting over others to be heard. It is crazy! Oddly our Italian SIL is the quiet one.