I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish this year with the hopes of being able to cross one off my list per month to make them more manageable. I thought a great way to hold myself accountable to the things I want to accomplish this year would be to do a weekly update.
After all, we all need a little help staying motivated sometimes. Here’s how I am doing so far:
1. Clean, de-clutter and organize my entire home in 30 days or less. Done!
So far this year I have cleaned my closet, decluttered my bathroom, organized my office, gutted the garage, and tackled the laundry room. My house is still CLEAN. Can you believe it? I think I might steam clean my carpets this week. Oh what fun.
2. Fit into the same jeans I wore 8 years ago when we moved into our house. – I’m sorry, did I really say that? Yes, I’ve been using my pedometer and yes I’ve been logging some pretty good milage {about 3-6 miles a day} but I think I’m going to have to sign up for some sort of training program if I’m ever going to wear those pants again.
3. Travel. The Girl and I have rested up and are now in the planning stages of our next trip. Ahhh, it never ends, does it? There are just so many places to see in this world.
4. Send my daughter to college without having a nervous breakdown thus spending a week in bed sobbing. Not going well. She registers for her classes pretty soon and I’m pretty sure I am going to lose it at that point.
5. Get 3 new teeth. So. I went to the Oral surgeon yesterday for my check-up and he said everything looks good, but not good enough to get teeth yet. Nice. Maybe I’ll have teeth by the end of the summer? Who knows.
6. Pay off my car. Done!!! How cool is that? 🙂
7. Finish the primitive folk art rug I started 4 years ago. – I’m still plugging away. Apparently that rug hooking frame I ordered had a ship date of 1-3 weeks. I wish I would have noticed that when I placed my order. Oh well, it will be here soon enough. I don’t expect to finish this until the end of the year, but my goal is to finish 1 star a week and so far I’m on schedule.
8. Family Day. Do one thing together as a family every Sunday. This past sunday we all went to see Non-Stop with Liam Neeson. We all liked it and to tell you the truth, I totally thought XXXXXX’s character was the bomber. Who knew?
9. Secret Plan #1 – Working on it!
10. Secret Plan #2 – Still scheming away.
11. Secret Plan #3
12. Convince the HH we should buy a Salt Box Style House in Colonial Williamsburg. – This week I’m thinking Vermont would be a pretty cool place to love. Maybe it has something to do with me watching Baby Boom over the weekend. 😉
13. Spend at least 1 hour a day working in my garden. – We’ve had beautiful weather that past few days! Our daffodils are just starting to bloom in the backyard, by next week it should look pretty awesome back there. 🙂
So there you have it, my goals for the new year.
How about YOU? How are your 2014 goals coming along?
P.S. YES, I know I wrote down 13 goals. I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to attain one of them. {gee, I wonder which one?} But I wanted to add it in there anyway because I believe in miracles.
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Sarah G. says
How about a spoiler alert next time on #8?
Kaia says
Yay for keeping the house kept up (how??) and YAY for paying off your car!! I’m excited to see the rug when it is finished–handmade things are becoming more and more dear to me 🙂
stacie m. says
I am so so jealous of your daffodils….we just had ANOTHER snow storm and it’s in the 20s again. I’m beginning to think maybe spring is just a myth!!
Lisa says
I agree with Stacie. So jealous of the daffodils. It is snowing 6-8 inches today with freezing cold temps. I am dying for some springtime weather and flowers! Great job on the the goals Mavis!
Paula says
Our youngest left for college in the fall of 2009. We sent her across country all the way to Alabama and it was SO HARD to leave her there. We made heavy use of phone calls, texting and Skype and I adapted. I can’t imagine how parents did it in the days before the internet and texting, and long distance calls were charged on a per minute basis. You will get through it. I got a puppy.
Carol says
Congratulations for paying off your car!!!!!
Mavis Butterfield says
Thanks! 🙂
Julie says
That hooked rug is awesome!
Will you give us a tutorial?
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes once I get everything together. 🙂 I promise.
Stacey says
I think you should move to Vermont, if anywhere. I’m moving there in a couple of months. I’m so excited! I tried to grow food here in Arizona but everything died. I’ll be able to garden again!!!