I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish this year with the hopes of being able to cross one off my list per month to make them more manageable. I thought a great way to hold myself accountable to the things I want to accomplish this year would be to do a weekly update.
After all, we all need a little help staying motivated sometimes. Here’s how I am doing so far:
1. Clean, de-clutter and organize my entire home in 30 days or less. – So far this year I have cleaned my closet, organized my kitchen, decluttered my bathroom, organized my office, gutted the garage, and tackled the laundry room. Last week I cleaned up the back and front porch areas and this week I’ll be pulling the boatload of weeds that suddenly popped up overnight on the hillside next to the house.
How does that happen anyway????
2. Fit into the same jeans I wore 8 years ago when we moved into our house. Well, after last weeks show and tell I thought I better jump back on the pedometer bandwagon again. 😉 There was one day last week when I looked down at my pedometer and noticed I had only taken 1,300 steps {it was 3 in the afternoon} so I hit the road and took Lucy the Puggle princess for a long walk.
The goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day but I’ve been a little lazy in the walking department so hopefully next week I’ll have some better number to show you.
3. Travel. So far this year The Girl and I have been to Boston, London, Paris and now Portland, Oregon. Now I’m just waiting for a phone call from the Discovery Channel saying they want me to be their new travel writer. 😉
4. Send my daughter to college without having a nervous breakdown thus spending a week in bed sobbing. I am in total denial. I’ve actually got a countdown calendar going on my phone letting me know how many days, hours and minutes until she abandons us for higher education.
5. Get 3 new teeth.
7. Finish this primitive folk art rug I started 4 years ago. Moving right along. I’m hoping to get this done by the end of June.
8. Family Day. Do one thing together as a family every Sunday. I can’t remember what we did last week but I know we did something. Note to self: I need to start writing this down on a sticky note and put it on my desk so I don’t forget what we did}.
9. Secret Plan #1 – Working on it.
10. Secret Plan #2 – Still Plotting away.
11. Secret Plan #3
12. Convince the HH we should buy a Salt Box Style House in Colonial Williamsburg. This is actually harder than I was anticipating. 🙁
13. Spend at least 1 hour a day working in my garden. I don’t know what Lucy’s fascination with cabbage plants is but man oh man does that pup love to dig in the cabbage patch. She doesn’t dig anywhere else but the there which is kind of strange if you ask me.
So there you have it, my goals for the new year.
How about YOU? How are your 2014 goals coming along?
P.S. YES, I know I wrote down 13 goals. I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to attain one of them. {gee, I wonder which one?} But I wanted to add it in there anyway because I believe in miracles.
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Corinne says
Hi Mavis!
Yesterday I read an article on Slate by Rob Lowe (actually an excerpt from his book) about when he was sending his older son off to college. I thought of you the whole time I read it. It’s a great article (excerpt 🙂 ) and totally made me want to cry, even though I have a good nine years before my oldest finishes high school. Check it out if you can stand it.. And hang in there!
e in upstate ny says
Ah, those weeds! Have neighbors who grow lovely dandelion and crabgrass crops every year! Its a fight every spring to control their spread. Each nice spring morning, I do the “dandelion walk” pulling out the plants. Its nice to see the progress after the second or third week. At first, all my time is out front, then I’m able to more towards the back. After our first year in this house, I have broken down to spread weed and feed each spring to fight the crabgrass. It’s the only way I can fight the good fight. Any left over chemical, I spread on my one neighbor’s front lawn to help the control. Thank goodness, he doesn’t care, since it doesn’t cost him anything.
Kristina says
Oh my goodness, the dandelions. I have decided that they are the cockroach of the weed world. I pulled/dug up almost six 5-gal buckets of them from our front and back yards in the last 2 weeks. Even after all that work, there are still a few popping up, taunting me with their yellow blossoms. :-S Hopefully getting them early will mean I don’t have to do so much later in the summer. <>
sharon says
Just a thought consider dandelions free food. Great in salads( they are in mixes at the grocery). Also you can make a tea with them very good for your liver. You don’t want any that have been treated with chemicals. Anyways just a thought…
Now crab grass I have nothing for ya 🙂
Susan says
I was thinking the same thing!!
I really want to make Dandelion Jelly and can’t find a single dandelion anywhere around here. It takes something like 500 blossoms. I would LOVE one of Kristina’s 5 gallon buckets 🙂
Brandie says
Your cabbage patch may smell different than the rest of your yard. Our dogs always used to dig up/in the smelliest stuff!