I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish this year with the hopes of being able to cross one off my list per month to make them more manageable. I thought a great way to hold myself accountable to the things I want to accomplish this year would be to do a weekly update.
After all, we all need a little help staying motivated sometimes. Here’s how I am doing so far:
1. Clean, de-clutter and organize my entire home in 30 days or less. – So far this year I have cleaned my closet, organized my kitchen, decluttered my bathroom, organized my office, gutted the garage, and tackled the laundry room. I don’t know about you but I sure love a clean microwave. 😉
2. Fit into the same jeans I wore 8 years ago when we moved into our house. I lost the jeans! I was going to try them on yesterday but I couldn’t find them. Weird. Maybe it’s a sign. I found them. 🙁
3. Travel. So far this year I have been to Boston, London, Paris, Portland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia and Victoria B.C.
4. Send my daughter to college without having a nervous breakdown thus spending a week in bed sobbing. Done! I am happy to report she and I are doing great. The HH on the other hand is having a hard time even though I keep reassuring him she is having a blast and loves her roommates.
5. Get 3 new teeth. – If all goes well I should have all my teeth filled and in place before Christmas.
6. Pay off my car. Done!
7. Finish this primitive folk art rug I started 4 years ago. Finished! It took me 6 months but I’m done.
8. Do something together as a family ever Sunday. That moment when you are on vacation and your husband decides to exit the highway because he’s certain there is a gas station “just up the road” {even though there are no signs present. ANYWHERE. 20 minutes after driving down winding roads into the middle of nowhere, he then decides to wee alongside the road. Only to get back on the highway and find a Mc Donald’s 30 seconds away. Bahhhh haha! I’m sure that has never happened to you, right?
9. Secret Plan #1 – Done! – I’ll tell you about it at the end August.
10. Secret Plan #2 Making progress.
11. Secret Plan #3
12. Convince the HH we should buy a Salt Box Style House in Colonial Williamsburg. Done! We didn’t buy a house in Colonial Williamsburg, but I did find us a house on the east coast and we LOVE it. This is a vacation home for us and as soon as I have the time to sort through all the pictures I’ve been taking, I’ll do a proper show and tell.
13. Spend at least 1 hour a day working in my garden.
Someone has a new garden… and her name is Mavis. 😉 I just have to scoop out about 5 yards of pea gravel before I can begin planting.
So there you have it, my goals for the new year.
How about YOU? How are your 2014 goals coming along?
P.S. YES, I know I wrote down 13 goals. I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to attain one of them. {gee, I wonder which one?} But I wanted to add it in there anyway because I believe in miracles.
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Michelle says
Ahh…road trips! I am laughing hysterically at the picture with #8…that is my husband too – I have a very similar picture! It’s so nice they can pee standing up, yet you and I have to trapse out through the toolie bushes, fight off wild animals, and hope to not pee on our shoes… 🙂
Mavis says
I know, Michelle. It’s so unfair!!
Linda says
Hey Mavis, so glad to hear that you and your daughter both are doing very well. I too, have a daughter that started college this week and we are both doing well with this new phase in our lives as well. It is super exciting to see them growing up – not always easy, but quite rewarding.
Mavis says
You said that perfectly: not always easy, but quite rewarding!
Rebekah says
Good luck with the pea gravel! I had to dig up/rake/haul away gravel to make my garden. It was a HUGE pain in the booty! I still have rocks throughout my garden….raised beds it is for my root veggies!
Mavis says
Pea gravel is my new enemy!
Lisa-Marie says
Mavis! Well done on getting your list down!
I’m starting my list!
I hope you bought a house in Maine!!
We did and we love it!! Right on the beach,40 min away from Bar Harbor. 12 glorious acres w/a cabin,apt over double garage and the areas oldest house built in 1768 and beautifully restored! I love our property! You should see this place!
Good luck w/your new home!
Mavis says
That sounds amazing. Not Maine for us, but 40 minutes away from the beach? Maybe we should rethink our purchase!
Shirley says
Can you tell me how you handled the daughter in college situation? I am not doing so well with it. Is gardening the answer?
Mavis says
Gardening certainly doesn’t hurt!! And I have lots of plans to visit. Ha!