I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish this year with the hopes of being able to cross one off my list per month to make them more manageable. I thought a great way to hold myself accountable to the things I want to accomplish this year would be to do a weekly update.
After all, we all need a little help staying motivated sometimes. Here’s how I am doing so far:
1. Clean, de-clutter and organize my entire home in 30 days or less. – So far this year I have cleaned my closet, organized my kitchen, decluttered my bathroom, organized my office, gutted the garage, and tackled the laundry room. Done!
2. Fit into the same jeans I wore 8 years ago when we moved into our house.
Making progress, I think.
I told you last week that I’m giving myself until the end of September to fit into my old jeans. And I’m sticking to it. 🙂 But after looking at pictures of my progress, I got to thinking… even if I were able to shave off the love handles… what will happen to my behind? Seriously, if the sides go so does my keister. Then what? Where will all those glorious pies and cookies go during the holiday season?
3. Travel. So far this year I have been to Boston, London, Paris, Portland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia and Victoria B.C.
4. Send my daughter to college without having a nervous breakdown thus spending a week in bed sobbing. Done! She loves college life and the HH has stopped asking what’s she’s up to every 2 hours. 😉 Hang in there HH. You’ll be okay.
5. Get 3 new teeth. -Yesterday I was back in the dentists chair to get a crown put on one of my back teeth. Good times. Sometimes I think my crappy British teeth should have their own blog because hello… there is so much drama involved. It’s nuts!
6. Pay off my car. Done!
7. Finish this primitive folk art rug I started 4 years ago. Finished! It took me 6 months but I’m done.
8. Do something together as a family ever Sunday. We had a movie marathon. 🙂
9. Secret Plan #1 – Done! – I’ll tell you about it at some point. {Don’t hurt me!}
10. Secret Plan #2 Making progress… 28 days to go.
11. Secret Plan #3
12. Convince the HH we should buy a Salt Box Style House in Colonial Williamsburg. Done! We didn’t buy a house in Colonial Williamsburg, but I did find us a vacation house on the east coast and we LOVE it. Now the fun begins. 🙂
13. Spend at least 1 hour a day working in my garden. Wisteria behaving badly. Would you believe I just trimmed this arbor 2 weeks ago? Seriously, wisteria is beautiful to look at but a total pain in the arse to maintain. 🙁
So there you have it, my goals for the new year.
How about YOU? How are your 2014 goals coming along?
P.S. YES, I know I wrote down 13 goals. I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to attain one of them. {gee, I wonder which one?} But I wanted to add it in there anyway because I believe in miracles.
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Carol says
Don’t worry about those pies and other goodies, they will make themselves at home! Really, you have made great strides on fitting into those jeans….I mean, doesn’t it count that they button and zip? I don’t remember you saying you had to be able to breath in them! WAY TO GO!!!!
Also, I love the toilet paper roll idea to store cords…..clever and cheap.
janet says
I can’t wait to hear what secret plan #1 is!!
Leanna says
We won’t hurt you but you are keeping your readership up since we are all in suspense about secret plan #1. 😉
Cecily says
I can sympathize with your dental travails. I’m going in for a root canal (the 2nd of 3 this year) tomorrow and fitted for two crowns ( 2 of 5 I need). Sigh…. with all the money this is costing I could have bought a vacation property too. 😉