I came up with 12 goals I’d like to accomplish this year with the hopes of being able to cross one off my list per month to make them more manageable. I thought a great way to hold myself accountable to the things I want to accomplish this year would be to do a weekly update.
After all, we all need a little help staying motivated sometimes. Here’s how I am doing so far:
1. Clean, de-clutter and organize my entire home in 30 days or less. – So far this year I cleaned my closet, organized my kitchen, decluttered my bathroom, organized my office, gutted the garage, and tackled the laundry room.
The craft room is a total mess right now. I had to use the folding tables for the freezer meal party the other day and I have not gotten around to putting everything back on them yet. Yikes! Hopefully I can get to it today.
2. Fit into the same jeans I wore 8 years ago when we moved into our {now old} house. Mission Accomplished! You can see the before and after photo HERE.
I’m not sure if it was because of the It Works Ultimate Body Applicator {I wrapped twice} or working as Chino the Handyman’s sidekick for the past month, but the muffin top is gone. Let’s hope she doesn’t come back!
3. Travel. So far this year I have been to Boston, London, Paris, Portland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina,Virginia and Victoria B.C.
4. Send my daughter to college without having a nervous breakdown thus spending a week in bed sobbing. Mission accomplished.
5. Get 3 new teeth. – Another day, another trip to the dentist. This morning I had the pleasure of getting an old silver filling removed and then prepped for a crown that will be put on after the holidays. LUCKY ME. I know. 😉
6. Pay off my car. Done!
7. Finish this primitive folk art rug I started 4 years ago. Finished! It took me 6 months but I’m done.
I also made quite a few other smaller rugs this year too.
8. Do something together as a family every Sunday.
9. Secret Plan #1 – Sell our house. This past Sunday we all went tot he local tree farm and chopped down a lovely 12 foot fraser fir and set it up in the family room. It’s the tallest tree we’ve ever had and I LOVE it!!
10. Secret Plan #2 Buy a smaller house. Done!
11. Secret Plan #3 – Working on it. Not sure if I’ll be done with it by the end of the year though. 🙁
12. Convince the HH we should buy a Salt Box Style House in Colonial Williamsburg. Done! We didn’t buy a house in Colonial Williamsburg, but I did find us a vacation house on the east coast and we LOVE it.
13. Spend at least 1 hour a day working in my garden.
I got my Martha on yesterday and made a nice big swag for the front door. That count’s right?
How about YOU? How are your 2014 goals coming along?
P.S. YES, I know I wrote down 13 goals. I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to attain one of them. {gee, I wonder which one?} But I wanted to add it in there anyway because I believe in miracles.
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Cristie says
Wow, very nicely done! So inspiring. I think I’m going to try for 12 goals this year – I like how some were ongoing (e.g. do something with the family every Sunday) and some were ones that you could cross-off (finish the rug). I think that would help keep me motivated.
Carol says
I had three rather big goals for this year and have managed to just about finish them off.
First, I intended to return safely from a two week trip to Turkey this past spring and made it!
Second, I wanted to lose twenty pounds and have lost fifteen….I’m holding at that this far into the holiday season (which for me begins with Halloween)!
And, third, I wanted to start a part-time job this fall and that, too, has happened. At times it feels closer to a full time job, but hey, be careful what you ask for, right?
Happy Holidays, Mavis!
Heidi P says
And I thought #12 was the goal that wouldn’t get done this year not #11! You had me fooled 🙂
Jan says
I love you primitive rugs can you tell me where to find info on how to do this?
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Jan, I’m working on a tutorial with oodles of pictures. Stay tuned. 🙂
Stacie says
Mavis, do you have any pics of the door swag? I’ve been wanting to make one, but I needs some ideas & inspiration!
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! Here is the link –> http://www.ehow.com/ehow-home/blog/simple-directions-for-a-free-and-easy-diy-christmas-swag/