Well, it’s official. I am starting to feel overwhelmed. There are so many things going on in the garden, it is now becoming increasing difficult to group them into one post. So today I’ll show you what’s happening in the main garden, and tomorrow and show you the greenhouse and the side gardens. How’s that? Does it sound like a deal?
We now have oodles of young celery stalks growing in the garden boxes. There is so much of it, I am tempted to start harvesting some now instead of waiting for it to bulk up. But I need the poundage, and every once counts, so I suppose I’ll wait, unless I’m in desperate need of some celery for a recipe.
I few weeks ago I started a second round of pumpkin and squash seeds. I was able to plant a few of them out yesterday, and hopefully I’ll be able to get the rest in the ground today.
There are more shelling peas to be picked, zucchini to keep and eye on, and I suspect the Copenhagen cabbage will be ready to harvest in another 3 – 4 weeks or so.
The pole beans and finally starting to climb the teepee poles, radishes need to picked again and I still have no idea what kind of volunteer squash I have growing in one of my garden beds.
Check out the Hubbard squash! Wahoooo… It’s totally rockin’. I’m hoping the Hubbard squash will continue to spread out and cover the entire hillside.
Pears! We have {a few} pears for the first time in 4 years. The Girl and I are so excited about this. Actually, over the moon would be more like it.
And finally, here is a view of the garden from the back of the 16 raised garden beds. Grow baby grow! 2,000 pounds…Here I come!
To view more of my garden tours, which include pictures of my garden and other’s head on over HERE and take a look around. The French Laundry Tour is especially amazing.
Fiskars Garden Bucket Caddy $10.49 ~ Amazon
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Lori B says
Not really related to this post at all, but holy cow, did you read the first review on that bucket caddy on Amazon? It is ah-mazing! It will bring a smile to your face!
Mavis says
I know… Wow!
Mari the Kiwi says
Mavis I love your blogs and only found you a few days ago. Don’t leave your cellery too long in the heat you are experiencing on your side of the world, or it will go all stringy, dry and bolt to seed.
You can wrap the bottom half of the stalks in newspaper to keep them bunched and also to whiten the stalks. Its easy to do and worth trying even on a few to see the difference. Keeps them tender and slows any bolting tendencies.
I dehydrate celery. Our winters (New Zealand) turn celery to mush so I dehydrate it to use in winter soups and stews etc or as a give away with other dried herbs or fruit for presents. If u do have any bolt to seed, collect the seeds before they drop and they are wonderful in egg dishes (omelette or scramble) or again in soups and stews.
Your garden looks fabulous by the way. I envy you your large section and most of all your energy.
Mavis says
Thanks, I think I’ll try that! 🙂
Shawn says
Are your peas in the greenhouse? Mine didn’t even sprout!
Mavis says
No, they are outside. I will be planting fall peas around mid august out side as well so you may want to try again.
Nanette says
Ah, another person who delights in taking photos of their garden and it’s children! I am so delighted to have found your blog. My husband and I started gardening just two years ago and we’re hooked! He’s in the process of building our garden shed which sports large windows to serve as a greenhouse in the very early spring. As Florida gardeners, we’re also starting our seeds for our fall/winter garden. Looking forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with others.
Mavis says
You lucky ducks, if I lived in Florida I’d grow some tropical fruit. 🙂 Gardening is awesome!
Lorri says
Such a nice garden! I want out to water my 3 tomato plants yesterday only to find something came by and had a midnight snack! ugg Never hard anything eat my tomatoes in the 2.5 years we’ve lived in this house.
Mavis says
Oh Lorri that stinks! I hate when that happens.
Charity S says
Can you tell me what type of pear is pictured?
Mavis says