Amber and her daughter stopped by this afternoon to learn how to can jam. I was shocked when I had heard Amber had never canned before, so I offered to teach her how.
As Amber and I worked in the kitchen preserving, her daughter picked vegetables in the garden. Not only did Amber’s daughter pick the vegetables, but she weighed them for me too.
And in the end I traded 15+ pounds of fresh vegetables, eggs and canning lessons for…
A 50 pound bag of sugar, a frozen turkey, 1 bottle of lemon juice and some frozen blueberries. Wowza! What a trade. I still can’t believe it. I now have enough sugar to get through canning {and maybe even baking} season, plus I know what I’ll be serving for dinner tomorrow night. Turkey! Hot Diggety, I love bartering!
So what do you think?
Who got the better deal? Mavis or Amber?
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Practical Parsimony says
Since I have hens giving me eggs and know how to can, I think you got the better deal. I a sure she thinks she got the better deal. The key to bartering is that both people think each got the better deal.
Sakura says
I wish you were my neighbor! Your Green Beans look awesome!
Gen says
Question for you, Mavis. I notice when you take pictures of you canning your jars are not fully submerged in the water while being processed. All my recipes call for the jars to be fully submerged in the canner. Are you doing something differently?
Zoe says
Since I garden, have chickens, and know how to can already, you got the better deal 🙂 But if I didn’t have those things, I’d love Amber’s end of the deal. So I agree with Practical Parsimony.
darlene says
If both sides were happy, it was an equally good deal 🙂
Lisa says
You both got something you wanted, but that is one big bag of sugar!!!
Ashley says
I think you got the better deal, only because Amber-ette saved you some time by harvesting and weighing. :p
L to the K-oupon says
Yep- you got the better deal this time.
indio says
Amber learned a new skill and probably paid about $70 for the lesson, possibly a little more if those blueberries are organic. You gave her about $25 worth of produce, that you probably wanted to get rid of. You got the satisfaction of teaching a friend an important skill. Priceless!
Tonya says
Wow! Your bartering is truly amazing! And I’m impressed with your garden. If I didn’t have two Great Danes that ruled my backyard, I’d seriously be considering a beautiful garden.
Elizabeth F says
I think she got the best deal because you taught her to can, maybe only one item, but just that observing and doing is invaluable.
Amber says
I have to say Mavis, I do think I got the better end of the stick! On my way home a friend called me and asked if I wanted a box of peaches – guess what I will be doing with them….
Do you have jars cause I have peaches!
Thanks for a great day and allowing my daughter to enjoy your yard.
Mavis says
LOl Yes, I have more jars. I’m glad your daughter had fun. She’s a cutie.
Celia Husmann says
This is just so totally awesome! 🙂 I just got a pressure canner and have to make the time to use it.
Sara says
I would say that you got the better deal… you even got her daughter to pick your vegetables! 😀 That is practically free labor! 🙂
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
That is an AWESOME trade! I think it was probably a great deal for both of you. She got a one on one lesson in the comfort of a home and not a stuffy church basement. Her daughter was able to come and learn new things. And woza…that is a LOT of sugar. I’d say it was a great deal for both of y’all!