If my backyard was perfectly level, I think I would totally go for the cottage garden look. Grass paths and raised garden beds galore. My beds would all be the same size, {6′ x 20} and I would have them lined up perfectly to satisfy my OCD tendencies.
I would also have a gorgeous potting bench and tool shed at the end of the walkway, just like the one we saw at the Gothenburg Botanical Gardens the other day.
In fact the only thing missing from the vegetable garden in Gothenburg was chickens… You can’t possibly have a proper cottage garden without a few token chickens pecking around in the background now can you?
Hmm. Well it’s something to torture the Handsome Husband dream about anyway, right?
Bean teepees both big and small.
Giant vegetables… Seriously, the beets were the size of softballs. I kid you not. I don’t know how they get them that big, but holy freakin’ cow they were monsters!
The kale was pretty big too. Not that I want anymore kale, but it was beautiful none the less.
More kale, cabbage and fatty peas.
If I were to have this dream cottage garden, I suppose I’d need my own private gardener as well.
Here’s the cottage. Isn’t it lovely?
Ahhh… I can dream right?
By the way, if you didn’t know already, Tasha Tudor was the queen of cottage gardens. You should check out her books. They are lovely.
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Tanya says
The veggies are giant there because the summer days are so long. Same thing happens in Alaska. The season is short but the days are so long that the veggies turn into giants 🙂
Mavis says
Thanks Tanya, I was wondering how they grew them so large.
Jenny says
That is so cool.
Jessica says
I happen to live in the only other Gothenburg in the world (Nebraska), population 3,600 LOL.
Helen in Meridia says
My Albertsons clerk Friday was named Tasha. I asked her if she had ever read any of the Tasha Tudor books? She hadn’t heard of her. We doll collectors loved her books and her lifestyle.
clarice says
Hi Mavis, if you like Tasha make sure you remember her on Tasha Tudor day, August 28 (her birthday). If you do not know about TT day, check it out at http://storybookwoods.typepad.com/storybook_woods/tasha-tudor-day/
After Tasha died a group of on-line bloggers decided to set said a day once a year to remember Tasha.
PS we are neighbors I live in Poulsbo
Mavis says
Good to know. Thank you. 🙂