This morning Mrs. Hillbilly stopped by to do a little bartering. She was looking for some vegetables, and I was looking for some sour cream and nuts.
To me it was the perfect trade. I’m a heavy on Hubbard squash and tomatoes right now, so I was more than happy to get a few heirloom tomatoes off my counter, and a few squash off my back porch. Sometimes growing your own food is fun, and other times it seems like you’ll never get caught up on processing it all for winter storage. So when a neighbor comes along at just the right time and wants to barter, I greet them with open arms.
A new 2 pound tub of sour cream, 1 pound of almonds, 12 ounces of peanuts and 5 ounces of shelled pistachios. Hot diggety, I’m happy with that.
Do you barter with your friends and family too? Well you should. Don’t be afraid to ask, the worst thing they’ll tell you is no.
~ Mavis
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krista Dennis says
I bartered Peas and tomatoes and gardening advice for a Spa Pedicure and eyebrow wax. I love my neighbor.
Tera says
My sister and I barter sometimes! I once got a 5lb grass fed/local beef roast for 3 pints homemade strawberry jam and a pacakge of All Might Packs detergent and like 3 bucks left on a Costco gift card! Another time I got a big ‘ol bottle of French’s mustard and she got some Campbells Recipe Starters or Sauce packets or something. Bartering is the bomb!
Lisa says
Awesome trade!
LB says
I bartered last year’s homeschool curriculum for Alfalfa to get our two cows through the worst of winter. 🙂
Ted S. says
Eggs for moose meat and bok choi for fresh spring rolls.