Last week Michelle from Facebook was telling me about her church’s vegetable garden in Lakewood, Washington. The garden is owned by St. John Bosco’s Church and is maintained by it’s members and donates the garden proceeds to their local food bank.
I happened to be in Lakewood yesterday so I decided to stop by and snap a few pictures.
What an amazing set up. There were raised garden beds, container gardens, a greenhouse, a trellis with pole beans growing on them, and there were even growing zucchinis in stacked tires along the fence.
Thanks Michelle for letting me know about the garden at St. John Bosco’s Church. It was fun to stop by and see so much growing!
*If you have a garden, a chicken coop or anything else super exciting and would like to be featured here on, then send in your photos to onehundreddollarsamonth {at}, along with a brief description of your pictures and I will try and get them posted.
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