Before I headed over to Francisco’s house the other day to barter, I stopped by my neighbor Mrs. Active Wear’s house. Now the one thing you have to remember about living in high maintenance suburbia is, not everyone wants to barter with you {with or without the camera video present}.
My neighbor Mrs. Active Wear is pretty awesome. I can call her at 6 am and ask her to drive my kids to school because I’m too lazy to get dressed, and she’s usually willing to bake 750 cupcakes with me any day of the week. In exchange I let her borrow random crap and she spies on my kids for me whenever she sees them talking to someone new.
It’s what I would call a win-win relationship.
But I don’t think bartering is her thing. LOL.
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bonnie fuentevilla says
I myself have had the pleasure of dumpster diving and getting some “hardly used produce ” and hate wasting perfectly good stuff. The problem may be…….it doesn’t work for everyone. Your friend Francisco looked to me like he wanted to say, ” Mavis, you know I love you to the moon and back, but, if you bring any of that nasty stuff back in my house again, I just don’t know what I’ll do. “
JJ Ordway says
Not everyone is cool on eating produce picked out of the trash boxes (not the “garbage”). Face it, those are some fancy houses and they don’t mind helping out…but I think I would run if I saw you come over with a pocket of asparagus too. 🙂
Jennifer says
I am not a barter because I do not really know my neighbors. I love watching your videos though because you are just so funny! Love it!
Julie2 says
Is Mrs. AW really not opening the door because she doesn’t like bartering with you… or did she see you were filming and didn’t want to be on camera on your very popular site? Or were her kids home alone with instructions not to open the door?
Marcy says
Mavis, unsure why but I totally expected you to have some type of accent. LOL!
Julie A, says
I would totally barter with you. Her loss.
Tracie says
Mavis I wish you were my neighbor!
Mamalala says
You are like the bartering paparazzi! Love your videos…keep them coming.
Mavis says
That’s funny. I never thought of it that way. 😉
Heather says
Hey at least you didn’t just walk right in! My neighbors who know us well, just knock and come on in with an announcement!