This morning I planted a flat of micro greens under grow lights in the office. I’ve grown Micro greens in the past and the thing I LOVE about them is that they can be harvested in as little as 10 days. Pretty stinkin’ awesome if you ask me. How’s that for a little instant gratification?
If you are surrounded by snow, or it’s too chilly to grow anything outside right now, try some micro greens. They’re easy to grow. I promise!
Brief description: Micro greens are the tiny form of edible veggies and herbs. They can be added to salads, sandwiches, and used as a garnish. They are très chic right now in upscale restaurants.
Where to Plant Micro greens: Micro greens can be grown indoors in containers all year long. For a continual crop, you can sow them every 2 weeks.
Planting Seeds: Plant 1/8″ deep, with 1/4″ to 1/2″ spacing. Thinning is not necessary. Plant seeds into large shallow containers. They like a lot of light, so place in a sunny location or use a grow light.
Growing Tips: Micro greens pretty much grow themselves–keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy.
How to Harvest: Plants should emerge in 2-5 days, they are ready to harvest when they are 1″-2″ tall and leaves have unfolded. Pick at the base of the plant, close to the dirt, wash thoroughly and eat fairly immediately.
Here is a cool Micro Greens recipe to try:
Baby Greens with Roasted Beets and Potatoes
Micro greens are not the same as thing as sprouting. Micro greens are harvested above the soil and grown in dirt. Sprouts are grown entirely in water and the entire plant is consumed, including the seed, root, and under-developed plant. Learn more about how to grow sprouts HERE.
Looking to buy some Micro Greens? I’m growing the Savory Micro Greens Mix from Botanical Interests. You can find the seeds HERE.
Want to learn more about microgreens? Check out the book Microgreens: A Guide To Growing Nutrient-Packed Greens. It’s awesome!
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Pam Lyon says
My favorite day is Wednesday. It’s the half way point. Afternoon on Wednesday it is all on the down swing to the weekend. 🙂
Aubre says
My favorite day of the week is Sunday. I get up early and get breakfast ready for the family, then I grab my coupon binder and head out to do my shopping while my husband sleeps in and watches the kids (ages 6 and 1). I hit CVS and/or Walgreens, then Target, and sometimes Winn Dixie. Shopping so early affords me good access to the new deals for the week, as well as the peace and quiet that comes from having no kids and nearly empty stores. 🙂
Aubre says
Whoopsie-Daisy! I commented on the wrong post. Sorry!!!
Kim says
Thanks for the tutorial – I now know the difference between microgreens and sprouts. I’m ashamed to say I wasn’t sure before other than I’ve always associated microgreens with salad and sprouts with sandwiches . If you have never grown either which would you start with?
Susie says
And I’m curious ~ since you harvest the greens above the soil (leaving the root), does the plant produce again? Or is it a one-time thing? Can you keep harvesting them again and again?
Joshua says
Whether they grow back depends on the variety. With Nasturtium, for instance, you can cut and come again many times provided you aren’t mangling the shoot and leaving enough stem. It also depends how mature you let your micros grow. If you are cutting them off at the cotyledon stage it’s most likely done. If you let it go a bit longer and only cut the true leaves you will have more yield per tray, with diminishing returns of course. But again, depends on the variety.
Bobbi B says
Hey Mavis – I’m loving your articles and great info. I very much want to grow my own micro greens because they are soooooooo expensive at the store. However, this link to the micro greens seeds are not organic. If I am going to go to all the trouble to grow my own stuff, I want to make sure that at least I am growing from organic seeds. Do you know a link to organic micro green seeds? Thanks so much for writing.
Mavis says
Here you go. 🙂
Teresa says
I’ve grown microgreens using whatever seeds I have on hand, bits and pieces of packets from previous years that aren’t enough for a full row outside, but is there a good reason, other than you get a tasty pre-blended mix of greens, to buy special seeds?
Joshua says
When you are planting do you actually take the time and effort to space them out as you wrote? When I sow a tray of micro greens I’m broadcasting hundreds of seeds. It takes about 20 seconds per tray if I go slow and careful. I can’t imagine placing each seed individually like when sowing garden veggies. Don’t mean to be contrary, am I misunderstanding you somehow?
p.s. I have often dreamed, and still plan on, of making a vacuum seeder that would place each seed perfectly and quickly.