I thought I would give you an update today on how some of our seedlings are doing. I’m sure you know by now I am a big fan of grow lights. But the thing is, I’m running out of room. I can only fit 6 trays under my 3 lights.
Pretty soon I’ll have to start hardening some transplants off and moving them to the greenhouse. I still need to get some sort of heater set up out there, hopefully I’ll get around to it this weekend, we’ll see. I may also start a few seeds and prop them up against the sunniest windows in the living room too. I’m sure the HH will be thrilled with the news.
I planted my first bath of tomato seeds on February 1st and the first set of true leaves are just starting to appear. I don’t know what it is about those first set of true leaves, but they sure make me smile. Maybe it’s because I know I’m only about 5 months away from biting in to a real homegrown tomato.
I started my second batch of tomato seeds 7 days ago. They are cute too, but it’s not the same as seeing those defined tomato leaves.
This is kale. Whoop t do. After seeing {and later posting} this picture on facebook, I am determined to grow a giant, lush border of kale around the chicken coop. Not only will my hens enjoy pecking at the leafy greens from behind the fence {which I will totally allow them to do} but when the kale garden has reached it’s peak, I think I’ll open the chicken run and let them have one giant kale feast.
Although, I’m not exaclty sure how I’m going to weigh the kale if I do that. Hmmm. I may need to re-think this idea.
Any my artichokes! Take a look, they are doing a great job of acclimating to the great outdoors. I set the artichokes out for an hour outside the first day, and two hours yesterday. Today I will bump it up to four hours, and hopefully by the end of next week all 40+ artichoke plants will be living outside in the greenhouse until it’s time to plant.
Yee- Haw! Starting seeds is fun.
So, have you started any seedlings yet?
How is it going? Are you using grow lights or the windowsill this year?
Mavis wants to know.
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Bren says
Hi Mavis, did you use heat mats for germinating the tomatoes? I started mine about the same time as yours on heat mats and only a few germinated so I don’t know what went wrong.
Mavis says
Nope. I just seeded the trays and stuck them under the grow lights. I wonder what went wrong with yours? Hmmm.
Bren says
Thanks so much!
Donna says
Some varieties of tomatoes have really low germination rates. Maybe that’s the problem.
Jenn says
Hi Mavis! Question for you and your readers. I have seedlings started in a south-facing window. I do not have a grow light, but have been using an old desk lamp for extra light. The lamp tends to get warm after leaving it on for hours, so I’m afraid to leave it on overnight or during the day while at work. Due to the lack of light (I believe), the seedlings are getting “leggy”-reaching for light. Will they be ok after transplanting-or am I wasting my time and effort? 🙂
PS. Thanks for your inspiration!
Beth says
If it’s your tomatoes that are getting leggy, don’t worry about them. You can trench them in on an angle and the main stem will grow roots and further support the plant. They are about the easiest thing to grow. I used to plant the suckers that my dad picked off when I was little because I felt sorry for the poor wilted things. We had tomatoes growing all over the garden due to my efforts! All the little hairs on the stem will be roots if they are covered with dirt. I wouldn’t worry about leggy ‘maters. Hope that helps. =)
Jenn says
Thanks so much! Actually, it’s my broccoli plants. I’m hoping that the same will be true for them too!
Monica says
This is the first time I have started seeds and so far it’s going pretty well. Mine are all on the windowsill and the cucumber seeds were the first to come up. I have also planted eggplant, pumpkin, pepper and purple coneflower seeds. I have several other seeds yet to sow! Can’t wait to grow my first “true” garden!!! Thanks for being my inspiration (well you and my little boys – my youngest LOVES to grow things)!
Annette says
Hi Mavis,
I’ve started the heirloom tomato seeds I won and can’t wait for them to sprout. My other tomatoes are just putting out their first true leaves as I started those early February as well. I use heat mats as well as the lighting system and wondered if you leave your lights on 24/7 or use a timed system.
Deana says
wow great job on all your seedlings. I still really need to get going on getting mine going. I think we have decided to stay here for another year so sense I know that I can start my garden now. I will just start a small one this year till I get to where I am going to put my roots down for good and that is where the big garden will go.
I am still trying to decide what to grow LOL
Tomatos, Potatos, corn, beans, peas, I have been getting several seed catalogs come in the mail (those that you recomended) and love looking threw them. Might try some watermelon, cantalope, pumpkins. Really No clue other that I am going to do an area of grasses for the chickens.
LuAnn Braley says
Out of what material are the little cups made?
Beth says
Mavis, as always, I love your blog and garden updates! Please let us know what you choose as a heating option for your greenhouse. I am looking for a heater for mine as well but wasn’t sure which way to go. I had the chance to brag about you with Botanical Interests today. I got my seed order and my packet of pepper seeds only had 1 seed in it. I called to see if I could get it replaced….they offered me not only 1 replacement packet but a packet of viola seeds that I was going to order as well, free of charge. Definitely a company I will stick with.
Mavis says
Ha! Who did you talk to? I hope you got Ellen, she is one cool cat. 🙂 I’m glad they were able to fix your problem asap. I think Botanical Interests is awesome.
sally says
Hi Mavis,
I love your blog, very inspiring. Do you start your seeds under the plastic cover that comes with the seed starting kit? I have had my artichokes under cover and on a heat mat. The outer cells have done well but not the ones in the middle closer to the light. If you start seeds with the cover on when do you take it off? Thank you for the help.
Mavis says
Hi Sally,
I start my seeds under the lights with no plastic cover or heat map. I used to start my seedlings in the tray with the plastic cover on near the windowsill. When I did that I would remove the plastic cover when the seedlings were about 1/2 inch from the cover. I hope that helps.
Sally says
Thank you so much for replying. This is a learning year for starting seeds indoors, so I’ll give that a try. This is definitely fun and exciting. I can’t wait until spring. Keep growing and showing!
Diana says
Mavis I got my herb seeds from your giveaway…Thanks so much! I have planted them under my grow lights and am eager to get them in the garden. I have my artichoke seedlings outside already, but my tomatoes are still inside. I have a large artichoke and a cardoon plant in the garden from last year and they are close to four feet across already! It was in the seventies today so I had a fun day in the garden!
Thanks again for your giveaway!
Mavis says
Yay! I’m glad they arrived safely.
Jenn says
Your seedlings look beautiful! I love your updates, but I gotta say they also make me nervous. (“Am I *that* late in starting my seeds?!”)
Out of curiosity, what gardening zone are you in? I’m in 7b and from what I can tell, shouldn’t start my tomatoes till March 2 or so. Do you think that’s too late?
Thanks for all your posts. I’m learning a lot and have had fun too. 🙂
Mavis says
You will be fine. 🙂 I am in zone 8. 🙂
MonicaB says
I just planted a few strawberry seeds! This will be the first year I am actually growing a garden on my own! (I always just help my mom and dad)
jane kelly says
Mavis – How do you water your plants under the grow lights? From the top or are they in trays? Do I need to turn a fan on when the get some heighth to them? Thanks for information and inspiration!