This morning the Handsome Husband mentioned there is a big winter storm headed towards the New England states. 2 feet of snow is predicted. Yikes! It hasn’t snow here in my neck of the woods in almost a year, which in my opinion totally stinks. I love the snow. But then again I love my garden too, and I’m not quite sure what I would do if the ground was covered in a thick blanket of snow and I was stuck inside staring out the window unable to get any gardening done.
The Seattle/Tacoma area forecast is calling for 5 days of clear weather. And I’m going to need it. Still left on my to-do list is to finish laying down the landscape fabric. I pretty much just have to place some in front of the chicken coop and alongside the greenhouse and then I’m be done.
I also need to finish building the last rock border that will outline this years potato patch.
Plant 6 trees.
Pull the Swiss chard that over wintered in the front window box out to the backyard garden so the flower bulbs we planted have room to grow.
Find a perennial flower to plant behind the tulip bulbs for the flower pot that sits in front of our house. The wheel the pot around to the back of the house because if I leave it up front the neighborhood deer will eat my tulips. What was I thinking? I should have planted daffodils instead.
And last but not least, figure out where I’m going to stick the bright orange {future} rain barrel I scored the other day, plus hide move those 3 soon to be gorgeous metal drums around back so the Handsome Husband doesn’t freak out when he sees I’ve brought home a bunch more trash for our backyard {again}.
That’s what is on my weekend to-do list, how about you?
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Pat G. says
Handsome Husband is right ~ I live in Southcentral New Hampshire and we are going to get slammed with blizzard conditions and 1 to 2 feet of snow. It has been lightly snowing since about midnight last night and the heavy stuff is due to start within 3 or 4 hours. We have a 600 foot driveway in from a town-maintained road so we have a local man plow our driveway. In order to protect our flock of chickens from being plowed under, we are leaving them in their coop until the “plow guy” makes his last run through.
Unfortunately, there has been no gardening here since November when the weather got too cold and the ground began to freeze. This weekend, I will be repotting some of my house plants and working on a patchwork table runner for my friends birthday. In between house chores & projects, I will be shovelling off the porches and checking on my chickens. Enjoy your sunny weather, Mavis. I’m anxious to see pictures of your garden areas ~ you certainly are an avid gardener.
Mavis says
Stay warm and drink cocoa! 🙂
Tanya Sanchez says
You are such an inspiration Mavis! Thank you!
Sakura says
I’m in Utah and we had a big storm about 3 weeks ago. Snowed for days and days, the first day we easily had 2 feet of snow, no fun to shovel. The worst was the single digit temps with an icy rain that followed. With that being said I stare out the window at my garden beds daily hoping the snow will melt or rot away so i can do something. I’m ordering my catalogs, I’ve been in touch with the local nursery about some fruit trees and vines, and I’m planning to start my indoor stuff on the 16 or 23rd of February. The 23rd is 12 weeks before our last frost date. Other than that I love seeing your garden and getting inspiration from all your posts and pictures. I just received my botanical gardens catalog so I’ll be placing an order with them this week.
Heidi says
I can’t wait to hear what you are going to do with the metal drums. I chuckled when I saw them because I’m thinking of going and buying one today. We need a burn barrel. Not sure if these are the right kind or not.
I bought 7 fruit trees yesterday so we will get those planted this weekend. I’m thinking of buying two more. I have room for about 20 but I don’t want to overdo it which seems to be my pattern. I can’t wait to have my own little dwarf orchard.
sharon says
What are the metal drums for? also wondering if you put down landscape fabric then your dirt. Hom many feet or inches of dirt do you have to put down?
I think you need to get some worm bins. I have some they are great! The tea they make is amazing for your plants. It brought back a rose bush I have back to life! also you get some great worm castings. they love sherreaded paper. So things you need to shread forever protected by them. Plus people love to give you the shreaded paper for free! Red worms are the way to go. But they do not always do good in your backyard. Mine would die in mine. Too much red clay 🙁 but they love my bins I have. Problem I am getting too many. I need more room for them.
Angie says
I am SO into getting a wormery started – when I can figure out how to protect it from the extremely high winds round here. (Horror scenario – wormery tips over in gale; worms fall out and Betty and Margo (my hens) think all their birthdays have come at once …
That said, I do rather like the idea of making something useful out of our shredded bank statements …
sharon says
I keep mine in the garage. It keeps them safe. Plus safe from exterme weather. I have found that they dont do good with potatos or onions or citrus. Love anything that is veggies that is going bad slimy.Srapes.
Lisa says
I bought that exact same rain barrel last year (at probably the same place) and modified it a bit. Now it is the same barrel we sell at the shop for $119, only I paid $47 for the barrel and all of the modification parts. I love a good deal!
bonnie fuentevilla says
I, also desire the answer to, ” what are the metal barrels for ” ?
Mavis says
I’ll show you as soon as I am done. 😉
michelle g-b says
Rain barrels. That’s what I see. 🙂
Angie says
Hi Mavis
Not much for me to do outside this weekend. Having dug in the mushroom compost last weekend (and rejoiced in the heavy rain that settled it in that night – YES!) all I have to do is let the Chicken Gardeners at it to rake it in even more. Yes I have pretty much given up trying to confine the chooks to their third of the garden and reckon that there’s not that much to damage – except when Betty decides to settle her giant feathery butt down on top of the ONLY clump of miniature daffodils that have made it through so far.
One thing I WILL be doing (with the help of MY HH) is to figure out how to protect the veggie beds while the plug plants settle in and grow. (Thanks to one of your contributors I reckon I have that sussed). I have a picture in my mind of giant veggies in the four raised beds and a daily patrol by Betty and Margo picking all the bugs off the cabbages and cauliflowers etc.
Tell me this is how it works … PLEASE?
Cheers and a happy weekend to all
Angie in the Isle of Man
Vanessa from Kentucky says
Well, this weekend in my little part of KY, I plan to have my HH put in 6 or 8 raised garden beds in the back yard. They are building a few new houses in our neighborhood and I have asked the dozer man if I can get some free dirt. He said that he would load up my truck with as much as I wanted!!!!! That made me pretty darn happy!!!!! Our weather is suppose to be in the 50ish range so it is plenty warm enough to get some things done outside. I also will also start several different seeds.
Happy Gardening ALL!
alyssa says
Ha, I was wondering when are you going to start having a rain barrel to cut your water bills. Makes sense when you live in the NW and not to have one is a real shame 🙂 If I were you, I’d convert those metal drums to rain barrels as well, they are a snap to do, we have a couple too made from home depot dumpster bins. Cheers to FREE water for the garden during the summer months, thats what I’m talking, you go Mavis 🙂
Oh and don’t forget to check your city’s official website for any rebates, some cities have free evaluation and installation programs in WA, hope yours does this too.
Kim H says
I won a rain barrel a couple of years ago. We had wanted one but the one I won was white. Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb!
I used some fusion paint to paint it brown and then used some dark brown and black paint to faux paint a wooden barrel. I used some bronze metalic paint to paint horizontal bands around it just like a real barrel. It took a couple of afternons – including dry time – but it looks great.
I only wish I had clear coated it before we started to use it. The top is beginning to show a little wear and needs a touch up. I bet the hubs would like that!
Jen Paulson says
One mans trash is another woman’s treasure. I’m off to Florida!
Mavis says
Say hello to the flamingos for me. 🙂
An Oregon mom says
An orange rain barrel is like an orange jumpsuit!! Not really the best color for a snappy dressing garden or gardener. I say get your paints out and get crafty on that barrel. I have seen them painted green with nice flowers along the bottom. Hope the barrel was free!!!
Robin says
We got rain and hail here today. Can you believe it in sunny SoCal? The rest of the weekend should be dry so will finish laying the landscape cloth (time to refresh in some areas) and cover the expanded portion of the garden. I need to get my act together and actually plan out where some of my veggies will be planted instead of just willy-nilly planting as I go. I’d drive you nuts I sure. The plan is also to get fresh mulch to top all plant beds in the front yard and bark chips for all garden walkways. I couldn’t agree with you more once I started laying down the landscape cloth I began to really enjoy gardening as it wasn’t a constant struggle to keep up with weeds anymore. That part was yucky. Have a super weekend!
Mavis says
I think we are in the minority Robin. 🙂 Most people don’t seem to care for it. I cannot believe you had hail!
Sherry says
I bought some landscape fabric last year but haven’t used it yet. I too would like to know how much soil you put on top of the fabric. Your property looks so similar to mine here in Sumner, all those evergreens, except mine isn’t as nicely landscaped as yours. You’re such an inspiration, though. I’ve wondered what to do with all these rocks and I love how you’ve used yours to define different areas. Thanks for the tip!
Mavis says
2 inches of mulch, or between 8- 10 inches in the garden beds. 🙂
Denise says
Where did you get the rain barrels? Free?
Mavis says
Wilco. $29. You can also try Craig’s List or Puyallup Bark off River Road.
Denise says
Sweet, cool. Really makes sense here.