I snapped a few pictures in the greenhouse last night so I could show you how all the plants are coming along. Yesterday my neighbor and I removed 66 tomato plants from the greenhouse and planted the heirlooms in 6 raised garden beds. It’s beginning to look a little bare in there.
I love how the greenhouse gutters are looking right now. It’s fun to see them overflowing with greens.
The Swiss chard is ready to move out of the garden as soon as I find a good spot.
The mesclun lettuce is ready to be picked.
We clipped the spinach last week {or was it the week before?} and now it’s growing back nicely.
Check out these gorgeous Brussels sprout plants. I picked these beauties up at the Seattle Tilth sale over the weekend and I’m excited to try and grow them this year. I’ve never had purple Brussles sprouts before. Have you?
It’s time to break out the salt shaker because it appears some baby slugs have made their way into to the greenhouse. As you know I’m not a big fan of using chemicals on my vegetables so I just catch the little buggers and douse them with salt instead.
The cucumber seeds are up! This year we planted 3 different kinds of cucumbers. Unfortunately I forgot the label them and one of the varieties has long vines so I’m totally in trouble.
And last but not least, pumpkins. So far I have about half of my pumpkins and winter squash planted. Hopefully I can get out there today, mix up a batch of homemade potting soil and get the rest potted up.
What’s new with you? Have you planting anything exciting lately?
See More Greenhouse Pictures and Stories
Looking for a great gardening book? Check out The New Self-Sufficient Gardener By John Seymour. It’s loaded with all sorts of goodness.
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michelle says
How is your lemon tree doing? Mine is showing signs of new leaf buds/blossoms & I’m excited! Poor thing dropped A LOT of leaves in Feb/March!
Mavis says
Mine dropped a lot of leaves as well. There are a bunch of new buds all the sudden though so I’m hopeful we will get some lemons this winter. Fingers crossed for the both of us.
Jenni says
Looking great Mavis! Love watching the progress of your garden. I’m planting my pumpkin seeds today too. As far as slugs, this year I’m trying crushed up egg shells around my beds and small bowls of beer inside the beds. Seems to be working good so far.
The Prudent Homemaker says
I’ll finish harvesting the turnips this week and then I’ll plant some zinnias in their spot.
I just finished deadheading the roses and I need to thin my apples.
Desi from Idaho zone 5 says
Mavis, your garden’s looking great! I spent $100 on plants today, Yikes! Hopefully my back patio will fill like a summer retreat though. Our flower beds will be getting a big make over this year. Hopefully soon they will be full of flowers and beautiful, not sparse and bare. Keep on growing!
Katie C. says
Everything looks great! I wish I could taste some of your greens. They’re so vibrant.
My strawberry seeds actually sprouted! My daughter (almost 5 years old) picked that packet out when we bought seeds, and I really didn’t think they’d grow. After waiting and waiting and waiting, trying a couple of different germinating techniques, and probably some heavenly help on my poor little girl’s behalf, there are tiny little seedlings growing. She was extremely excited!
I also started a pallet garden, and I’m super excited! Thank you so much for all of the posts and information. I really appreciate it. It’s very motivating.
Mavis says
I’m excited for you! I have never been able to grow strawberries from seed before. Tell your daughter good job!
Stacey says
I love the gutters and was wondering how you have them hooked up in the greenhouse. I have potting tables in mine but thought I could hang a row of gutters above the tables! Thanks, your garden looks awesome!
Mavis says
I used L brackets. You can see them here –> http://www.stage.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/2012/02/how-to-install-gutters-in-a-greenhouse/
Amy says
How does the water drain out of the gutters? Looks great!