Leaving the house is such a time sucker, isn’t it? Whether it’s to go to the store, take kids to sports practice, run errands or just do life in general. Last week I did not get in my car once to go anywhere. It wasn’t something I had planned to do, it just sort of happened. It wasn’t until like the third day that the HH had even noticed and that was only because the car hadn’t moved.
He wanted to know if I was doing it for the blog. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Ummm no. I just didn’t have a need to go anywhere. Imagine that.
Instead of wasting time driving around, I checked weather reports… {I don’t know why I do this honestly. Maybe I just want to confirm that it’s always raining here?}
I hooked flowers on the back patio during dry spells and watched Lucy and the Ladies of Grantham Place frolic in the grass.
I threw ingredients together for meals {leftover pot roast, bulk beans and half a jar of dried bruschetta mix} and they were delicious.
I had planned on making a quiche for dinner one night but then got lazy and tossed everything in a pan instead and made a frittata. That was lovely too. I served pancakes one night for dinner and fried rice the next.
Who knows… maybe I’m destined to be a recluse who only leaves the house to do the grocery shopping at 5am and then orders everything thing else I need off of Amazon. Maybe what I really want is to live in the middle of nowhere. Maybe the suburbs are finally getting to me. Are wearing me down.
Sometimes not leaving home to appreciate how wonderful living in your own little cocoon is just what a girl needs. But then again… it now has me dreaming of doing it all over again this week. 😉
How about YOU? Are you happy staying home? Or do you like life on the go?
- Total Spent This Week $0 Groceries, Take Out/Date Nights/Bakeries $0
- Total Spent in Janaury on Groceries $202.99
- Total Spent in February on Groceries $143.94
- Total Spent in March on Groceries $183.35
- Total Spent in April on Groceries $205.67
- Total Spent in January on Take Out, Date Nights, and Bakery Treats $42.19
- Total Spent in February on Take Out, Date Nights and Bakery Treats $118.45
- Total Spent in March on Take Out, Date Nights and Bakery Treats $25.29
- Total Spent in April on Take Out, Date Nights and Bakery Treats $62.50
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Jenell says
Staying home like that just sounds lovely to me! When I was a stay at home mom I would challenge myself to stay home as many days as I could. I miss those days !
Sue R. says
I’m with you–staying home is great!!
Teri says
Would much rather stay home and avoid the crowds everywhere!
Mrs. HB says
I am back ! So you will be getting out ! Missed ya. Mrs. HB
Rebecca in MD says
I am soooooooo a home body. I love to cook, read, garden, craft, and every now and then binge watch some TV. There’s nothing wrong with nesting if that’s what makes you happy!
Linda says
I’m definitely in the category of stay at home. Everything I love is where I live. My animals (dogs and chickens) sewing, knitting, garden, etc. I totally hear you Mavis and it’s good to know there are others out there who feel the same.
Jeanie says
I love being home. I love hanging around with my dogs, figuring out dinner early in the day so I can have that in the works, reading, doing a little internet browsing, planting a few things. I hate going shopping for no good reason unless it is to a garden center. Then I could browse around endlessly. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood with not a lot going on so it is easy to be very reclusive. My husband works long hours and so I am pretty much alone all day unless I want company or one of my adult kids pops in.
Unfortunately, I am pretty involved with my HOA (we aren’t as vigilant as yours is, Mavis) and with my church so that does require I leave my own turf every now and again.
Angela D. says
Another homebody here! I’ve preferred staying home even as a child–I would beg and plead, trying to convince my family that I was old enough to stay home alone. And–I am also good company for myself; I’m not often lonely or bored!
Teresa says
I LOVE being home too. If not for work I’d probably have cobwebs on my car! I do tend to get lazy though, not showering until the late afternoon. Hehehe no one but the dog knows I do that and she does not care! I try to shop on the way home if I need anything so once I’m there I’m in for the evening. I’m lucky, I work 6am to 2:30, so I’m usually home before the traffic REALLY starts. My commute is only 7 minutes too.
Kathy Gardner says
I love my “nest”. I have found that I get restless around 3:00 pm most every afternoon. I use that time to run an errand or to go to the thrift store and just roam around looking for goodies. I resell on eBay, or I did until I got ill, so I had an outlet to get rid of what I found. Now that I am going through chemo for the best part of the last two years, I usually don’t feel up to going anywhere and I miss my little trips to the thrift stores. Go while you feel like going, do while you feel like doing, because the day may come when you physically cannot do either. That is my motto now.
Cathy says
That motto should be one of Mavis’ “Quotes of the Day.”
Wishing you the best of luck in your recovery!!
Mrs. C. says
“Who knows… maybe I’m destined to be a recluse who only leaves the house to do the grocery shopping at 5am and then orders everything thing else I need off of Amazon. ” This is what I strive for!
Sandy says
I know! Mavis says that like it’s a bad thing! I call that a life goal!
AmyWW says
I love staying home! Someone asked me recently where I would go if I could and all I could think of was “home”. I love being home. Until I don’t, but then getting out and about to the grocery store or post office cures me of it and I can’t wait to get home again.
Earlene says
I have been on medical leave for the last 6 weeks, I work full time otherwise and it was a hard transition to go from going full speed to stop dead in my tracks!! Anyway, I managed to stay out of the grocery store where I work for one full week, went in bc I had to fill out paperwork, actually went to a different town with the hub to get some other things and grocery shopped there, I know, I’m a traitor, but money is tight when I’m off. Managed to have coffee with girlfriends I hadn’t for 3 years, made jam , went on a short trip with the hub, and cleaned out one closet, 4 drawers and made more jam from the fruit I had frozen 3 years ago, not freezer burned, yay. All this to say, there were days I never left the house, days I couldn’t wait to leave the house and now I have too go back to work. I’m 65 and could retire, but I like my job and most of the people I work with!! Enjoy the days you don’t have to go out and yes, I’m slowing down because I can ! More jam on my horizon!! Yay for me!!
Lilypad says
I am a complete hermit. I happily stay home most of the time. Everything I need is here: a kitty to snuggle with, library books, and tea! I hate to shop for clothes (it’s so exhausting and boring!!) so I hardly ever do, and I do my food shopping early on Sunday mornings so I don’t have to deal with as many people. My son is going to do a program in another school district next fall that will require me to drive him there 5 days a week. (He’ll be old enough for his license but is not interested in getting it yet, plus getting a driver’s license is so expensive these days now that you have to do it through private schools!! That plus insurance will cost us around $2000 and we don’t have the money right now thanks to orthodontics. ) I’m DREADING having to go out of the house every day, luckily it’s not for the entire day and we can do it in the middle of the day to avoid rush hour, but still, having to be around people that much is so draining for an introvert like me.
Linda Sand says
I prefer staying home. And I have a husband willing to run errands so I’ve been known to stay home an entire month–especially in the winter.
Mavis Butterfield says
An entire month. Wowza! I will have to add that to my list of winter goals when we move to the east coast for good.
Vy says
I love being home too. I’ve spent so much time and energy making it a pleasant environment and a place that’s “me” … why would I want to be elsewhere? I have hundreds of things that can occupy me. And it’s so frugal too! I’m doing things that save me money (food gardening), doing things that make me money (home equity) and specifically not leaking money (restaurants, etc).
I begrudge every hour I spend in traffic while commuting and miss every hour I spend at work. I see absolutely nothing wrong with not leaving the house for days at a time!
gina says
I was recently asked by a friend what I do all day when staying at home? My answer is, anything I want!
Gina says
Staying home is where it’s AT. If you can afford it, by all means, enjoy! Life is too short to go around worrying about whether or not you should do this or do that. Do what brings you happiness. Me, I go for days without leaving. I do the same stuff that all the other ladies have posted about and I never get bored or sad. My hubby loves to get up and GO so he runs errands. I believe that extroverts get their batteries “recharged” by being around others. Introverts, like me, get theirs recharged by being quiet, staying in the moment and being thankful to be able to have the life I have. Make your beautiful rugs. Drink your tea. Hug on your puppy. Read that book. Stay in the moment, I thank you again for being my favorite blogger! I learn so much and look forward to it every single day!
Carolina says
Off topic, I know, but I love seeing that you are checking the weather in Portsmouth, NH a little before 5 am!!! We have had our share of rain lately, but interspersed with sunny and warm days. I am guessing that you check the weather HERE, ’cause you are dreaming of the day you can actually move. Did I get that right?
While I am a complete extrovert, I do love staying at home, too.
Janet says
Oh Mavis, you are a woman after my own heart! I would love to stay home but life keeps getting in the way. The end of the school year seems to ramp up with busyness here rather than slow down. Then, of course, there is summer, with everyone’s jobs and whatnot. I’m hoping to have some quality home time come September. Why don’t you see if you can set a record for most days spent at home?
Diana says
I love being home, and I love seeing how many days in a row I can go without driving my car. When I do have to go somewhere (work, groceries, etc.), I try to bicycle it. There’s no road congestion on a bike, plus it fulfills my regular fitness ‘requirement’ while getting to my destination and back. On a bike, there’s little temptation to make side trips that in a car, suck away more time and money. It’s not unusual for my car to sit for a week at a time. Never knew I’d enjoy not driving, but yes, as you said, Mavis, driving places is a major time sucker.
Carolyn says
I like being at home too, but I really enjoy lunch dates with friends.
Tracy L. says
I love being home too. I’d never leave if I didn’t have to. And, I’m always busy, and always have plenty to do. Unfortunately, due to work and commitments I can’t be at home as much as I’d like/need to be. I think it would be AWESOME if my car never moved for a week!!!