Looking to get a jump start on planting your spring garden crops but don’t know where to start? Check out my latest eHow article Vegetable Starts: 3 Quick Tips to Get Your Garden Growing for a quick and easy solution.
Have you been to the garden center lately and notice anything new? How about all those rows and rows of promising vegetable starts waiting to be plucked off the shelves? Buying vegetable starts (rather than planting seeds) is a great way to get a jumpstart on your garden and cut down on your growing time.
Typically you can expect to save between 1-2 months of growing time (on average) when using vegetable starts instead of planting cold weather crops like broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts under grow lights in your home.
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Emily says
Quick question you might know the answer to: are the “days to maturity” on the tags for vegetable starts counting from the day I buy the plant or the day it’s seed was planted?