The Garden Report…
Things are finally starting to pick up in the garden department… It’s been so nice around here the last few days (as opposed to the coldest April on record) that I thought it was high time to see what’s growing outside in them there food boxes of mine… The only tragic news in the garden department (so far) is that all my tomato plants died.
It’s totally my fault too… I tried to rush Mother Nature along a few weeks ago and thought it was safe to leave my plants out overnight in my super deluxe greenhouse… and everything was going just fine and dandy… in fact my 50 some odd heirloom tomato plants were doing just fine undercover… until one night the temps dropped into like the 30’s…
And well… that was the end of that. Maybe I should start watching the news… Then I’d know what the heck was going on…
So now… I’m going to have to head on down to the Farmer’s Market this weekend and BUY me some tomato plants… how weird is that? Especially after I’ve been growing them from seed the last few years… all I can say is this…
I hope someone grew a bunch of heirlooms… because that’s all I’m looking for… Hmmmm… I wonder if anyone would barter with me?
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