If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you know I try to lead a frugal lifestyle. I garden and barter for food, shop sales and cook in bulk. I look for ways to save and new ways to cut our budget. And I’ve implemented all sorts of new ideas this past year. Well here’s another one for you: Shopper’s Voice.
Shopper’s Voice is a Consumer Research service with an opinion survey that they reward consumers for taking. You take it, and as a thank you, you receive all sorts of free samples, coupons, and other fun offers. Plus, just for taking it, you get entered into big fat grand prize of $10,000 buckaroos!
At first, I was leery of companies like this. I didn’t want to give them any info about what we ate or what type of razor I used. But then I learned a little more about the why behind it and thought it was pretty cool. They cram all that data together to see market trends, etc., which eventually helps shape our experience at the store. I basically played a key role in shaping how my favorite brands, products and services are developed and improved {or at least I like to think my role was key. Ha!}. Regardless, I felt like I was contributing a little and I was even being rewarded for it. Not too shabby.
The survey was quick and easy, and the rewards and offers showed up in my inbox just as quickly. If you have a few minutes to kill {and really, that’s all it takes!}, click on over and take the survey. You only have to answer what you’re comfortable answering, although the more in depth you are, the more useful it is to them {and the more customized your samples and coupons are!}. Basically, you speak your mind and you’re rewarded. Easy peasy!
Click HERE to get started on the survey, and then keep me posted on what goodies you get after taking it!
Free stuff is fun!
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