Well, we only had 2 groups of trick or treaters at our house last night. Now I’m stuck with a bunch of extra candy {boo, hoo, right?}. If I was smart I’d stash it all over the house so it’s not gone by Monday morning.
How about you? Did you get a bunch of kids at your place last night?
Do you have any candy left over? Gonna bury it in the backyard?
Have a great friday everyone!
♥ Mavis
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butterflyweed says
We only got about 25 kids! Waaay less than the last few years. I went outside to see what was going on and it turns out we’re the lame part of the neighborhood. We only have houses on one side of the street and all around me were dark houses-Halloween Scrooges too cheap to buy a bag of Tootsie Rolls. What a let down!
Cecily says
Some don’t celebrate Halloween for religious reasons. That doesn’t make us cheap, merely practicing our right to freedom of religion. Have a great day 🙂
Laura says
I live a block up from an elementary school, so there are lots of kids in the neighborhood. Plus, we recently got sidewalks and streetlights, so it’s even more kid friendly after dark.
I just ended up with a few gum balls and Tootsie Rolls around 8:45. The little ones start coming early, before dark. Then by 8:30 or so we get large teenagers. Once I run out of “good stuff” I turn off the porch light, and the decorations.
I think we get a lot of kids since we decorate quite a bit.
April Myers says
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suzy says
We had a good turn out even though there was rain in the forecast. A little drizzle did not keep the kids away. No candy left is always a good thing.
I live in Alabama, the Bible Belt. Yes, you have the right to practice your religion but I do have a problem when churches that don’t celebrate/ recognize Halloween have a Fall Festival where kids dress up and they give out candy or do a Trunk or Treat the same weekend or night as Halloween. Please, it is the same as recognizing Halloween, you just don’t want your kids to miss out on the fun of Halloween so you call it something else. If it was a Fall Festival, do it the first weekend of Fall. It is like saying since I am not Jewish but my son misses out on getting Hanukkah gifts. His cousins are Jewish and he does not feel left out because that is not his religious belief. If your church does not recognize Halloween, then don’t have a dress up, candy giving out party on Halloween. Religious hypocrites. Teach your children your religion and stick to it.
Laura says
Oh my. I am surprised your post was approved! It is quite intolerant! I used to be a member of a church that did not celebrate Halloween. We didn’t do anything to “replace” it. Oh, maybe buy some half off candy the next day! It could be the poster you are responding to does that. In any case, you sure jumped all over her!
Calling other “religious hypocrites” for doing things their way, instead of how you think it should be, is not allowing for freedom of religion!
Cecily says
I agree Suzy, it is hypocritical. Unfortunately many who claim to be one denomination or another tend to observe events/holidays without really considering what the core teachings of their religion are. Sadder still is that the hypocrisy usually comes from those taking the lead in these denominations. Really, if you are going to claim yourself as having a certain set of beliefs, you need to follow all of them. Not just pick and choose those that are convinient at the time.
Cheralee says
Wow. From “Did you have trick or treaters?” to “Religious hypocrites!”…. I am disappointed that such a simple question received such dramatic responses. Butterflyweed never said those who didn’t buy candy were not doing so because of religious reasons, Cecily. Way to be too sensitive! Suzy is just as entitled to her opinion, but name calling? Really? Over CANDY? I am with Laura on this topic, and, frankly, would love for Mavis to shut it down right now. As for “Really, if you are going to claim yourself as having a certain set of beliefs, you need to follow all of them. Not just pick and choose those that are convinient at the time.”….well, that applies to being considerate, as well. Throwing a smiley face and “have a nice day” on the end of a post doesn’t take the sting out of the snarky tone. Sorry. No religion I know encourages that kind of behavior, either.
Cecily says
Once again writing fails to evoke tone and inflection. I meant to convey that all those who don’t give out candy are necessarily being cheap. It was not meant to be snarky. If we had been having a conversation face to face you would have heard by my tone that I was stating an opinion based on personal experience just as suzy, butterflyweed and laura were. I realize religion is a sensitive subject but in my opinion it is a valid topic that is underdiscussed in society. Just as I am not offended by any comments here, it was not my intention to offend. I apologize if that has been the case.
Lisa says
We had two knocks on our door and a total of 4 kids. I was surprised that we even got trick-or-treaters. Our neighborhood has no street lights nor sidewalks for the most part.
judy says
Did anyone ever entertain the idea that people with no lights on might not have had enough money to by candy?
Laura says
I know that a couple of my neighbors work nights, so they wouldn’t be home at all. Or, some families are out with their own kids! I can probably think of a dozen reasons the lights were out. Maybe they didn’t even know the lights were out! My own teenager doesn’t like Halloween and the hassle of tending to the pets every time someone knocks. He isn’t a fan of kids either! I think he’ll keep his lights out when he has his own place! Nobody says you have to give out treats!