We had a gorgeous handmade wrought iron window box that graced the front window at our last home, and even after all this time, I still miss it dearly. Every time I walk past a beautifully planted window box it makes my heart skip a beat. I don’t know what it is about window boxes that makes me love them so, but I do. I can’t help but pause and admire all the carefully planted flowers each and every time I walk past one.
And, as luck would have it, we walked past a TON of window boxes while we were on the east coast last week. Below are a few of my favorites.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone, enjoy the day.
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Marie says
These are remarkable! After years of battling wooden boxes attached to our house ie lining them with a variety of landscape cloth, dark plastic, 2nd layer of wood and the rot they created) wrought iron is the only way to go!! Leave those wooden contraptions for the ground!!
Lace Faerie says
Oh my! Me, too! Planting up my window boxes kicks off my spring every year! My hubby built shelves under our windows to hold up my giant boxes. They are a foot wide x 10′ deep and 2 of them fit under each window!
I especially like the one full of Boston ferns!
MEM says
You were in Boston last week?!? My office is in Chinatown so not too far from Beacon Hill. I love walking the side streets and imagining what life was like there 250+ years ago…can’t picture a horse and carriage in the snow on some of those hills.
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! We love it there. So much history.
Diana says
Ahhhh, these are lovely. I’ve never had a proper window box, but have always wanted one. These are renewing my resolve to find a way to have one.
Carolina says
Window boxes, OH YES!!! I had one under each window, when I had a townhouse in Portsmouth, 10 years ago. Now I live in an apartment condo, with a wonderful lady landscaper, but alas, no place for window boxes. I miss my window boxes, every. single. day.
Heidi says
Gorgeous. My question is how does one keep them watered? My planters always dry out even though I water them daily. They end up looking so scraggy. I guess a drip system? How do you know how long to run it for or how many times a day.