A big thanks to Kirsten from Facebook, who sent me this article about Betty the Chicken–mascot and tweeter extraordinaire for the Australian fast food chain, Chicken Treat {ah, cruel world of irony}.
The chicken, armed with a keyboard and some scratch grains, sends out a daily tweet, by pecking and tapping her way to fame. The tweets are authentic, though, so far the only actual discernible word she’s pecked out is “bum,” {Come on, Betty! Keep it above board!}. She has to peck out at least a 5-letter word to land herself in the Guinness Book of World Records, but all in due time, I suppose. Nobody sky-rockets to success overnight.
Her daily tweets have actually developed a following, and in doing so, created a pretty effective marketing strategy for the company she represents. If only she knew she was promoting her own consumption!
Of course, wouldn’t you know it, according to the article, animal rights opponents have piped up, calling the company “chicken abusers.” But, with tweets like, “ZX X ””””’qz h bum8 zx,” how can they possibly come to those conclusions!? I mean, those are actual nuggets of wisdom {wrong word choice, there?}. Or even just six short hours ago, when Betty tweeted, “E 9 Q V P 1 MP M V” That honestly makes more sense than half of the tweets I send out. The company issued a statement assuring the public that Betty is treated well–though, the rest of the chickens in their business probably cluck a bit of a different tune.
Meanwhile, I like Betty. I like what she stands for. She doesn’t censor her tweets, and I can respect that. Of course, the irony of her life’s work is a little heart-breaking, but I am willing to overlook it for the daily musings of a typing chicken. #chickentweet
Testify, Betty. Testify. And you can tweet that.
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Kirsten G. says
You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Mavis says
I really did!