bits and bobs: A random assortment of things; small remaining pieces and things
Last week I popped by the post office to mail an over sized box and while standing at the counter I asked for a sheet of stamps… “Surprise me, any kind is fine.” I told the mail lady.
Well Lucky me! The mail lady {what is someone who works behind the postal counter called?} happily pulled out a sheet of SCRATCH AND SNIFF Popsicle stamps. I was giddy!
Mavis “Oh wow! Scratch and sniff stickers…. Don’t they remind you of mini erasers and tether ball at recess?” I asked her.
Mail Lady “And neon clothing and Wham!” she replied.
Mavis “And prank calling, busy phone lines and NO TEXTING. Ohh those were the days.”
Kids these days, they are missing out on so much. Glued to screens, instant access to everything, waiting for nothing. No “free” time to just be a kid, to explore, to be BORED, to create, to wonder, to wander.
The 70’s had the Hippies, the 80’s had punk rock, the 90’s had Beverly Hills 90210, but this decade? It seems like it’s all about me, me, me. All the technology, the social media, comparing ourselves to others, the whole “we are all the same” constantly being shoved down our throats, fast fashion and the SHREDDED JEANS! Oh don’t get me started on the shredded jeans and stretchy toddler clothes I see people wearing all the time.
And to think, all these thoughts came flooding in my brain because of a sheet of scratch and sniff stamps!
Seriously. Black ice has a smell?
Candy C. asked:
“Do you miss gardening where it seemed to be easier due to weather..look back on it fondly or determined as ever to push through the New England garden challenges?”
Candy, that’s an interesting question and I really had to stop and think about it.
I don’t miss the slugs of the Pacific Northwest, that’s for sure. And while the gardening season may be longer in Seattle, I think I am going to really like the fast paced growing season of the Northeast. I just need to find my sea legs. The learning curve has been a steep one this first summer here and the never ending assortment of bugs I could do without.
The idea of being able to grow things like peppers, eggplants and melons is exciting to me though and I really believe that once we get the garden expanded, proper trellises in the ground and mulched walking paths in place, I’m going to really enjoy gardening here.
So I don’t know. Each part of the country has it’s perks I guess. It’s just getting to a place where I know what to expect that’s a bit of a challenge. I do love it here and I’m so glad we took the leap. 🙂
After getting up 6 days a week for 25 years and working 70-80 hours on average, and then leaving your job, moving across the country and taking the summer off…. What would you say is a reasonable time to get up, get dressed and get going each day?
7 am? 8 am? 9 am? 10 am?
The HH and I used to get up around 4 am everyday… But these days it’s more like 5:30. I shuffle across the hall to pop on the computer and start writing, and he heads to the living room to look up random stuff on the internet. “Research” he calls it.
Well, by around 9 am I’m usually done with my computer work and ready to get going. But there he is, still watching cat videos. And every day I wonder… Is this is what retirement is going to look like? I mean, on one hand, YES, he is supposed to be relaxing and taking it easy this summer…. but on the other hand I’m like SERIOUSLY? How is it possible to watch YouTube videos and look up random things on the internet for 5 hours straight?
Some days it makes me crazy, and other days I’m like… Well, good for you. You deserve this break.
The HH starts his new work from home job October 1st. It does make me wonder though how the whole 2 people working from home thing is going to pan out. For the past 15 years I’ve pretty much had the whole house to myself for at least 6 hours a day while the kids were at school and the HH was off at work. But the times… they are a changing. And I hope we don’t make each other nuts.
Speaking of wasting time on the internet….. This dog! Does it get any better than this? I must have played the video by Bluenjy on Instagram 10 times.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Enjoy the sunshine.
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Mrs. C. says
My HH works from home and we treat it like he is at the office. I leave him 100% alone until his work day is over. No problems!
Mavis Butterfield says
Does he have a separate office space? Do you have lunch together?
Sue P. says
Do lunch together! My husband retired 7 years ago from the state police at age 52. I retired with 36 years on the job two years ago at age 55. We did our own thing a lot, but did have lunch together many many times. He passed away three months ago. Definitely have lunch together
Deborah says
Sue, I’m so very sorry for you ur loss.
Mavis Butterfield says
Sue, I’m sorry to hear about your husband. We are definitely spending more time together than we ever have before. Hugs to you.
Mrs. C. says
Yes, separate office space. We do NOT have lunch together. That is his alone time.
Maria Campbell says
Yes, this is what retirement looks like at our house. Husband has things he does on his own and I take that time to be by myself in the house. The biggest surprise is how we had to change our TV watching. No more Hallmark Mysteries and Movies channel for me. More football for me. We are together a lot more.
Lynn from NC Outer Banks says
I had to chuckle at this comment. My husband worked out of town for several years. During that time we each had our own schedules, our own alone time and own tv habits. When he retired and returned home, it was far less HGTV for me and far more ESPN! It was a bit of an adjustment at first, but now I even enjoy his two ESPN shows in the afternoon. (I’ve always been a sports fan myself) But, I don’t know what we’ll do when I retire and we’re both home-together-ALL the time!
Cathy says
I don’t know who to give credit too but I’ve loved this quote . A retired friend said it years ago, maybe it’s hers.
“For better or worse , but not for lunch. “
It was a funny at first , but 24 -7 does get old. So we agreed at retirement, we are volunteering outside the home a few days a week.
Aunt G says
Like you, my husband has been busting it for years. I always said ‘he makes the living– I make it worth while’. Haha! I homeschooled the kids, ran them around, cooked, cleaned and homesteaded while he worked a. lot.
Now I’m still busy getting stuff done. He watches cat videos too, sleeps later than I think he should etc. Drives me batty! He still has a from home side gig that brings in money but doesn’t take a lot of time.
This life change has taught me to enjoy the journey (being together). Hold hands, dream, work super hard on joint projects then relax or not. I save money, he helps me see the fun in splurging finally after all the years of penny pinching. We tend to balance each other out.
We’ve even taken up a new hobby together: Backpacking in the mountains. It’s cheap, we can fish, keeps us in shape as we age and will never run out of things to explore. Best thing is no cell service– so no YouTube.
Carrie Council says
No where close to retirement but my partner watches YouTube every night while I make dinner. It drives me batty. I am still “working” my second “job” and he is relaxing. I’ve learned to delegate him tasks otherwise he will sit for hours watching videos. We do have some channels that we both enjoy but for the most part it’s guy stuff I don’t care about. I’m lucky if I get 30 minutes to relax and watch a tv show before I hit the hay.
Mary3M says
Do lunch together! And make sure you do dinner together. Life can change on a dime and you don’t want to look back and say ‘I wish I had done . . ‘. My HH has just been diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor – a man who has never been sick in the 35 years I have known him. So enjoy time together – but remember he is working . He should have his own space where he can be closed off so you aren’t tempted to call him for a ‘honey do’. Love that you are enjoying NE. It truly does take at least a year to acclimate to a new area. Can’t wait to hear about your winter adventures! Hope the HH got the plow attachment for his tractor. You are going to need it.
Deb K says
Hugs and prayers are with you…
Mable says
It all depends on the couple. Married 35 years, my husband and I are technical writers so have always worked from home. We had separate offices but neither one of us liked it, so we moved into the same office in our house. Except for his golf and my knitting group, we are pretty much together 24/7 by choice.
Jane says
My husband and I are working toward being able to both work from home full time. He has been able to do a lot of his work remotely the last three years and it’s been nice! We do lunch a lot while the kids are in school and that’s new for us 🙂
Deborah says
Hum, does HH have his own office? Maybe he can shut the door while he works, and not bother you? LOL. Here’s hoping at any rate.
My hubby retired in 2007. He used to do a lot of stuff, but now, he’s on his IPad more than I’m on mine. I do almost all of the housework. He does cook, and mows the front yard wit the push mower, it’s a-lot smaller than the back. I mow the back on the riding mower. But then he’s had back surgery, and has chronic and acute pancreatitis. VERY painful.
Karen says
We have plenty to do and are never bored (or board??).
Lolly says
“Stretchy Toddler clothes I see people wearing all the time… ” I adore you!!! I may have giggled too hard at that one!!!!
I’ve missed out on scratch and sniff stamps! Mine are american flags from last yr, lol! Idk what american flags should smell like… 😉
Peggy says
MY HH who is retired does the same thing, spends ALL day and ALL night on the computer watching videos and looking up random ‘stuff’ – I don’t get it either – I get bored after an hour on the darn thing.
Crystal says
Thr toddler clothes comment made me crack up!!! So true!
It’s ridiculous what people will wear (and spend money on) all to be considered “in style”.
I’ve never been one to care about the latest fad in fashion.
Sue says
Hi Mavis.
In regards to ‘Mail Lady’ all personnel at the post office’s counter are called ‘clerks’. Hubby retired 6 years ago , after 30 years, from a local P.O. as a ‘letter carrier’ new name /same job as a mailman.
Lindy says
My brother works from home 2 days a week. His wife works part time. On the days he’s home my brother gets completely dressed,no “sweats”, goes into his office and closes the door. Even though he’s working from home he is still required to work regular office hours, and with lots of video conferencing dresses as he would if he were in the office. Since he does conferencing he did have to make sure that the background behind him didn’t have too much “stuff” – and the pets. Nothing like trying to have a serious conversation with someone who gets distracted by the cat doing its stretches on the couch behind my brother 🙂 (that happened to him once, and once only)
If it was a day when his wife was home at lunch they did eat together, one hour, and then back to work.
Martine says
Just hope your hubby doesn’t discover Pinterest! When mine was researching for his new ‘workshop’ I showed him how to use Pinterest and he now spends hours every day on it! However, the workshop has been ‘complete’ for three years so now he ‘researches’ minion quotes instead and sits chuckling to himself! Sometimes I don’t mind but if I tell you there is sooooo much needing done in this house that only he can do, there are times when it drives me crazy. However, he worked hard all his life to support us to allow me to work part time and stay home with the kids so I don’t often say much but retirement takes getting used to and thankfully we’re getting quite good at it now!! Good luck with your new lifestyle, it’ll work out if you want it to. xx
Jenny Young says
I love the scratch & sniff stamps! I just used some this past week sending notes to all the little boys in my class for the first day of school (I teach a boys class at my church). I also write letters to two little girls in Kentucky so they’ve been getting some this summer too.
Jennifer Meyer says
Ughhh the ripped jeans and toddler stretchy clothing… I’m a milennial (by birth year only) and I just don’t get it! I’m sad when the knees wear out of my jeans, I don’t want to buy them pre-ripped. I can’t wait for the day when they look back and see how stupid they looked. And the leggings… they are NOT pants! I would feel so naked wearing nothing over them in public. And some people wear them so tight they might as well be. :/