First off, this Grab and Go Emergency Food Supply Bucket is rad. I may start carrying a bucket instead of a purse. It’s roomy. Nothing gets smooshed. And, being the fashion trendsetter that I am, I think it will catch on fairly quickly. Second, is it an emergency if I decide to run a couple of extra errands over lunchtime and get hungry? It feels like that is a totally justifiable reason to whip myself up a quick on-the-go pasta Alfredo, no?
In Today’s episode of the Grab and Go Emergency Food Supply Bucket Review, I decided to whip up some of the Chili and test it out on innocent, non-biased bystanders. I had planned on stopping by Les Schwab Tire center to get my tires rotated–and thought, who better to try out dehydrated food than a couple of mechanics?
They were totally game to try it, or at least that’s what I think they were, because they said, “Um, sure…” So, I whipped some up {I came prepared with the bucket AND my cookware. I’m an urban Girl Scout, that’s just how I roll.} Hey look, Mikey, they like it!
Honestly, they were a little bit shocked that it tasted so good, and said they’d take it as game-day chili any day. So, being the good sharer that I am, I sent them home with their own little pouch. Valley Food Storage Chili 1, lunch time emergency 0.
Thanks boys for being the Guinea pigs…see you in 3000 miles.
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Butterflyweed says
Sooooo Cute!
Jennifer says
Who exactly is Mikey? Did I miss something?
Ashley says
I think she’s referencing an old commercial. Chex or Cheerios? Something along those lines.
Carol says
It was a Life cereal commercial……that was a long time ago!
Mavis Butterfield says
It’s a phrase from an old Life cereal commercial. 🙂
Lisa Millar says
You are so funny!
This is excellent!
Tracy L. says
HA!!! I was at Les Schwab yesterday too!! But, I didn’t feed my guys. Maybe next time. : )