Back in my extreme couponing days, I rarely bought generic brand foods. Not because I had anything against them, but because I could usually get the name brand goods at a much cheaper price by doubling a manufacturers coupon. When I gave up extreme couponing though, I started paying closer attention to the significant difference in price between generic and name brand goods.
In general, store brands/generic brands are quite a bit cheaper than their name brand counterparts. Barring a sale, you can usually grab some pretty big savings without sacrificing taste or function by purchasing the generics.
While for the most part, I am pretty content to grab the store brand or generic brand of most anything, I have a couple of name-brand only purchases. Do you have those? I think everybody does, but they are totally different for each individual. For me, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese {not my favorite, but sometimes I treat The Girl to it}, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, and baking flour are items I usually get name brands. I am pretty conscious that they cost me more, and I choose not to care–because their generic counterparts don’t work, taste like doo-doo, or don’t get the same fluffy results.
In the generics favor, I learned awhile back that store brand milk is actually preferable over name brand, because most likely, it is produced regionally, rather than trucked in from the other side of the country.
Most generic pantry staples {with the exception of flour} are exactly the same too–I mean, how much different can brand name salt be than generic. It’s just salt. The same goes for spices. No need to splurge on those fancy schmancy bottles, when the store brands, or even better, the bulk bins will totally do the trick.
Overall, I think buying generics can add up to pretty significant savings over the year. What do you think, do you buy generics? Do you have some items that you buy name brand only?
*Could Cameron and Mario be bigger hams? Oh.My.Word.
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Kathy says
If coupon for name brand takes it to same price as generic or below, I will go that way. Most of the time, it’s store brand where one of my kids work because, living in same house, I get the employee discount the kid gets. Even on meat. Pamper myself woth name brand toilet paper though, have to have soft atuff and most generic is anything bit soft.
Angwl says
I have an allergy kid (peanuts and tree nuts) so some generic cookies process in a plant that processes nuts so cross contamination could happen. So we buy name brand oreo and chips ahoy but otherwise as a mom of 4 kids we are generic 99% of the time.
Jessica says
Across the board I am ok with most store brands.. but I am Peanut Butter, Ketchup, Hummus and Syrup name brand particular. I can handle cheaper or off brand tissues unless I have a sinus infection/cold then they MUST be Puffs!
Diane says
It has to Crisco shortening, you can really tell the difference in pie crusts if you use the cheaper stuff. Peanut butter has to be Skippy creamy. Store brand toilet paper and paper towels are never as good as the name brands, they are thinner and we go through them much quicker, defeating the cost savings.
It used to be Kraft for macaroni, but they changed their recipe a few years back (I corresponded with them about it and they admitted they did), and it tastes different now. The closest to the old taste is Annie’s.
Flour? I use the kind out of the bins at Winco!
Mavis Butterfield says
I LOVE Crisco!
Robin says
Whatever is cheaper, so usually generic.
Dianna says
We have a favorite brand of corn chips and salsa, but other than that we get whatever’s cheapest. In fact, I actually prefer some generic brands over name brands (like Target diapers).
Kim says
My husband was a truck driver who hauled food all over the country. He would pull into a plant and pick up truck loads of things such as spaghetti sauce (one example). It would have a label for the name brand for part of the load, the line would stop, a new label would start up with the generic label. He saw things like this many times.
Mavis Butterfield says
That’s crazy!
Ellen in Clackamas says
While I agree some generics, like condiments, are ok, I must have Scott TP, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Canada Dry Ginger Ale (when I’m sick) and Campbell’s Tomato soup. And I know there will be some canned soup haters out there but sometimes what I want for dinner is grilled cheese and tomato soup and Campbell’s is the only one for me….its a nostalgia thing! Oh and real Coca Cola Diet Coke…store brand doesn’t cut it!
Randi says
I’d take Cameron and Mario whether they were name brand or generics!
What goofs!
Helen in Meridian says
Is Mario a runner? Before you (U of W) stole our Coach Peterson from Boise State, he had a major fundraiser for scholarships each year. You paid an entrance fee and ran. If you beat Coach Peterson you got that T-shirt… is even Orange and Blue Boise State colors. Ask him if her beach Coach Peterson.
Helen in Meridian says
Oh boy, it looks like I have been hitting the bottle. I meant Ask Mario if he beat Coach Peterson.
Linda says
I am concerned in the ingred. list in many of these things, so it depends who has healthiest ingred. in their products. Neither catsup is healthy.
Holly says
I buy mostly generic unless the brand-name is cheaper. However, I always buy brand-name crackers and freezer bags.
Vy says
Definitely buy generics for a lot, especially medicines. If you flip them over you can see the ingredients are the same, like antacids. And in some cases, like most of the Kirkland brand stuff, store brand is superior. However, some things are worth name brand, like certain feminine products!
Mrs. Mac says
I rarely buy ‘brands’ . . . either generic or name brand. We don’t eat much anything that is already processed.
PattyB says
I’m with Kim….. store brands are just private label contracts with major brands. Sometimes its the brand you like, sometimes the other brand. I insist on Best Foods/Hellmans mayo, regular cheese (not low fat, uck), C&H Sugar, Coffee, and everything else is generic brand. I’ve noticed that when the Name Brand items goes on sale, so does the store brand. ChChing!
Elizabeth says
Campbell’s tomato soup is one of my downfalls, but I’m totally ok with generic ketchup, butter, vinegar etcetera – I’m not paying more if nobody in my family cares!
BTW I love your new food models 😉
Mavis Butterfield says
Me too. I think you can totally tell the difference in tomato soup. My friend Gen from cans a mean tomato basil soup that is delicious though.
Shannon says
Best Food’s Mayo (or homemade), Tillamook cheese (or a superior brand, never generic), Gold Medal or Bob’s flour, Uniball Vision Rollerball pens.
Mavis Butterfield says
Tillamoooooo cheese and Kerry Gold Cheese for me as well.
Kayla says
Must have name brands: Crisco, Kraft Mayo, Kraft Mac-n-cheese, and Campbells cooking condensed soups
Most of the time I buy generic, but sometimes I am generic brand picky. No Target brand diapers at my house–it is the only diaper that gives all my kids a rash that looks likes hives.
Teckla says
I buy a lot of generics and I’m usually willing to try most things at least once. I do prefer some brand name things (Best Foods, or Hellman’s, mayonnaise for one!). Most of the time if the ingredient list appears the same, things are equivalent, but occasionally I’ve found taste varies or the quality seems different. If I find I don’t like something, I’ll try another brand. I’m trying to eat healthier and cut down on extra packaging, etc. Rarely shop Costco, then as a friend of a member, and only go to Waremart (Winco) once in a while, mostly for bulk staples and produce, as I am a widow with no children and don’t need to buy large amounts. Sometimes, if you comparison shop, you’ll find the smaller sizes are actually cheaper than the economy sizes! Just have to pay attention! You have to watch sales prices, too! My favorite example is the “buy 5 for a dollar, when the regular price is 18 cents each!
Dena says
I never buy anything other than Ritz for crackers. Generics on other stuff if is fine, but there’s only one Ritz!
maile says
I seriously could not focus on this post! I kept thinking, Mavis get Cameron and Mario to model her ketchup and cookies???!!!
Wow….i bow before you. ha ha
Mavis Butterfield says
Ha HA!
LynnMc. says
Fantastic models!! What sweethearts.
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes, very sweet. Mario is a total character.
Ramona says
I look at how much fat,sugar,sodium are listed on the back to decide on name brand or generic. So I will pay more if it isn’t loaded with sugar and salt. Some name brand taste better than generic I think.
Mavis Butterfield says
That’s a very pragmatic policy, I think. Well done.
sue says
I only but Q-Tip cotton swabs. Generic swabs bend and not enough cotton on the ends. There are some store labels that are better than national brands. Publix ice cream is great, so is the Publix coffee in the bags. There are items that really do not matter if they are generic or national brand. Salt is salt, half and half is all the same, sugar is sugar, ibuprofen is ibuprofen.
Mavis Butterfield says
I will pay extra for Q-Tips brand too! 🙂
sclindah says
While a teenager, I worked a summer job at a Bird’s Eye processing plant working with fruits and vegetables from Oregon. We would do so many lots of one brand label and then do the next brand label, etc. They were for the most part, the exact same thing!
Angela says
Those are some great photos of Cameron and Mario!
I base my purchase mostly on taste, not price. So what
if a product is cheaper but my family won’t eat it and I end
up throwing it away?! Which cookies did Cameron and
Mario prefer?
lynne says
I’ve pretty much transitioned to organic/non GMO, so that’s what I buy. the standbys which can’t be replaced even with organics are Skippy Natural PB, Guittard chocolate chips, and Peanut Butter Crunch (the REAL Quaker brand – generic tastes like cardboard!) 🙂
Leslie says
RC cola, Kraft dinner. It’s been ages. Maybe this weekend!
Athena says
I will buy pretty much anything generic if it’s cheaper. I’m all about saving money and if I can do it without spending hours couponing and comparing every store sale, even better! We recently moved halfway across the country and our new town has an Aldi store, their brands are fantastic for the most part and we save a ton of money. Things I won’t do generic are Best Foods mayonnaise, Kraft mac and cheese (though I rarely buy it), Campbell’s soups, and usually French’s mustard. We love Costco’s brand for toilet paper, paper towels, and OTC medications. We try to buy spices in bulk but no longer have a Winco or store like it where we can buy them that way. 🙁
CheapNLazy says
We too moved from the Northwest (and miss Winco!). We buy generics/Totino’s Pizza at Walmart, JIF/Oreos/milk at Sam’s Club, and Bold Vegan Pizza at Nutrition S’mart. Aldi’s Foods IS cheap but 90% of the food we bought tasted off and/or actually made me throw-up, so no thanks!
Mavis Butterfield says
Can’t beat Winco’s bulk section!