I arrived home Saturday afternoon to find a lovely birthday card from my in-laws. Tucked inside was a $100 cash card to Costco. Wahoooo! Who wouldn’t love that for their birthday? Especially since I came home to a totally empty fridge {well, okay, there was still plenty of yogurt} and bare cupboards.
The boys had eaten all the pasta and chili I made before I left as well as all the snacks, crackers, chips and bread in the pantry. Usually they are too lazy to heat stuff up when I’m out of town, but apparently they were desperate this time. My husband, who rarely goes to the grocery store {I think we all remember his last trip} said he did make one trip to buy “chips, orange juice and cereal.”
I was shocked when the HH told me they didn’t order a pizza while I was away, but they did go out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner once. {When we travel, we use money from our travel budget for eating out. I will typically leave the boys with a little cash on the counter before I go and if they decide to eat out while I’m away, it comes out of the fund.}
I suppose I could have spent my Costco birthday cash on something else… but hey, who doesn’t like food. Right? Haggen Daz bars and bacon. Now that’s a pretty awesome birthday present if you ask me.
I love one stop shopping!
Total Spent This Week $16.93
Total Spent Year to Date $329.18
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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