I’m just going to come out and say I was incredibly lazy when it came to making meals from scratch this week. There was just too much going on with the remodel, working on taxes, and the blog to find the time. But that doesn’t mean we starved or had to gnaw on the furniture.
Nope. We ate exciting stuff like sandwiches and freezer meals. Lot’s and lots of freezer meals.
True, I did make homemade tortilla’s for taco night, and a few yummy breakfasts from scratch, but mostly we ate a bunch of meals I had prepared over the past few months.
And you know what? That’s okay. Because that is EXACTLY the point of making freezer meals ahead of time. So you have something homemade to serve your family on those nights you just don’t have the energy to cook.
And serving breakfast for dinner? Well that’s pretty rad too.
I’m about $31 a month over budget for the year {$95.03 to be exact} but for this time of year that’s pretty normal. Hopefully by the end of the year this will even out.
Total Spent This Week $40.44
Total Spent Year to Date $395.03
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