Costco $33.04
The Girl is home from college for the summer and that means everybody will be getting not only a healthy dose of vegetables every day, but most of all she’ll be making many of the meals. {Enter happy dance here.}
It’s pretty stinkin’ awesome of you ask me because she is somewhat of a health nut.
I mean really, how many kids do you know happily eat avocados and spinach?
The HH brought home a crate of free salmon. One of his buddies at work has a father-in-law in the fishing industry and so we get some pretty rockin’ freebies a couple of times a year. My Dad loves salmon so we’ll have to save some for our Father’s Day BBQ.
Last week I cooked up a Zaycon turkey breast in the Crock-Pot.
And made the leftovers into turkey pot pie.
The Salmon, Spinach, and Orzo Salad with Lemon-Dill Vinaigrette was delicious!
I also pulled my last bag of cherries from the freezer and made a cherry crumble. This is a picture of what it looked like before it went into the oven of course. {I’ll try and get the recipe up soon}.
Everyone should eat breakfast for dinner at least one night a week!
Taco salad bowls with brown rice.
And last but not least, chicken stir fry.
Right now I am about $100 over budget for the year, but I have a feeling once the garden is up and running and the fall harvest comes in, spending will slow down quite a bit. It always seems like it does anyway. Only time will tell I guess.
How is YOUR grocery spending for the year coming along? Are you keeping a tally?
Total Spent This Week $33.04
Total Spent Year to Date $635.30
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Cecily says
My 13yo son loves avocados and spinach! He reminds me every week to get avocados from the produce stand, the small ones are only 29¢ right now, and he even planted a row of spinach in the garden!
D Lovely says
That avocado spinach smoothie was delicious! I’m wondering if I could manage to sneak some avocado into a berry smoothie for my kiddo. She’s not into green drinks (barring a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds). Any thoughts on that?
Mariska says
Adding cocoa helps for kids, makes it taste like a chocolate shake 🙂
MaryW says
I had to stop buying potatoes at the Costco. They were rotting on me within a week of buying them.
Tracy L. says
ME TOO!!!!!!! Just DISGUSTING!! Potatoes AND lemons!
Marcia@Frugal Healthy Simple says
We are at $1561 for the year so far, family of four, plus the pre-paid CSA of $950.
Last year I was pretty liberal in my spending and spent $10,400. This year I decided to aim for half that. But I started a few weeks in.
This meant my weekly budget was $80 (considering CSA is pre-paid), but I had to “make up” for the overages early on. I’m still over budget by $60.
My spouse and I were discussing how much the budget sucks. He’s tired of it and is bumming that he can’t buy “whatever he wants”. (What he doesn’t realize is that I give up far more things that I’d like so that he can have his raisin bran, turkey sandwiches, fancy iced tea, etc.)
So I decided for the rest of the year to alternate weeks, and loosen the reins. So one week will be $80, the next will be $120. If I manage that, we will come in at $5900 for the year, give or take a few bucks. And I think the extra $40 will give us breathing room.
Kayly says
I’ve never kept a tally of my grocery bills for the year, but I think I’m going to have to start! Cutting it down by just a little bit each week would go such a long way in money saving.