Costco $43.70
Do you know what it’s like to put a box of chocolate doughnuts in your cart and NOT EAT A SINGLE ONE? It’s torture I tell you. Pure torture.
Zaycon Fresh – Free with credits
I also picked up a {years supply} of bacon last week from Zaycon Fresh. I LOVE being able to drive up to their truck in the church parking lot to pick up my order. Too bad more businesses don’t operate that way… thing how much we’d save by not bring wooed into buying extra stuff.
Spooner Farms $52.00
Wowza! I had no idea farm fresh raspberries were so expensive. This was the first time in 8 years that I had bought raspberries. We had a HUGE raspberry patch at our old house and were able to pick as many as we wanted each season. It was worth it though.
Homemade Chili for the HH and Monkey Boy’s lunches.
BLT’s with cream cheese. {Sniff sniff, I really wanted to eat one of those}
Last week I think I served salads for dinner 4 out of 7 days. Despite the heat, our lettuce is going bonkers and needs to be harvested everyday.
Which is a good thing… I just wish I could enjoy it. Oh well… I’ll be able to this fall I guess.
The Girl and I also made a batch of raspberry jam. 12 jars should be enough to get us through until next year considering we also have strawberry, blueberry and cranberry jam in the pantry as well.
How did YOU do with your grocery shopping this week? Are you buying up fresh fruit like crazy and putting it up for this winter too?
Total Spent This Week $95.70
Total Spent Year to Date $934.07 {Holy canolies!!! I’m way over budget for this time of year}
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
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Coleen says
Hi Mavis! I love seeing what all you buy at Costco, question for you……where do you buy your cleaning/laundry supplies? or do you make them yourself?
Mavis Butterfield says
I make most of them from scratch actually. But for the ones I need to buy I usually get them from Amazon {of course}.
Lisa Millar says
Mavis I think you need a medal. And a certificate. Probably a ceremony as well!!
One look at those raspberries and for me that dehydrated food would have been out the window! (figuratively speaking as of course we don’t waste good food!!)
At least its in luscious jam form and you can enjoy later!
Another Lisa says
I got those donuts (um, for the kids). They weren’t that good, the chocolate was melting and making the cake soggy, so they didn’t have that nice crisp effect when you take a bite, that I love about that brand. So you didn’t miss anything. I think I’ll wait until fall before buying those again.