Have you ever grown lettuce indoors before? I haven’t and I have no idea if it will work on not. Growing lettuce outside? Not a problem. Giant heads of butter lettuce and Romain and easy peasy. But indoors? I’m not sure.
While I was at Home Depot last week buying seed starting mix and trays I picked up a packet of Ferry-Morse Mesclun Mix. I figured the mesclun mix was a safe bet as the leaves are small and delicate. Obviously I am not going for poundage here. But rather something to keep myself distracted long enough so I don’t jump the gun and plant my tomato seeds too early like I did last year.
Have you ever tried to grow lettuce indoors?
Do you think it will work?
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Lanie says
We do it every year. It works great!
Mavis says
Thanks Lanie. I’m excited to give it a try.
Jen says
Yes! We did it last year in a flower box. It works great! I would be doing it again this year, but unfortunately my dumpster guy thought my boxes were supposed to be in the dumpster (they were under my son’s makeshift garage for his garden tractor) and put them in the dumpster and then emptied the dumpster into the garbage truck…..sigh! I will be in search of some new ones pretty soon, once the gardening stuff comes out in the stores here is Maine. I also did herbs this way so we had fresh ones even in winter.
Mavis says
Jen, if you can grow lettuce in Maine, the I should be able to grow lettuce in Washington. 🙂