I owe Krista a big THANK YOU for sending me this wonderful recipe for Rhubarb Cinnamon Jam. I whipped up a batch this morning and it turned out delicious. I love it so much, I plan on making a few more batches of this rhubarb cinnamon jam this afternoon and then stashing it away for hostess gifts this winter.
Seriously, this jam is over the top good. You need to make it.

Rhubarb Cinnamon Jam Recipe
- 6 cups rhubarb , chopped
- 1 cup water
- 1 box pectin {I used Sure Jel}
- 1/2 tsp . butter
- 6-1/2 cups sugar
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Bring a boiling-water canner, 3/4 full with water, to simmer. Wash jars and screw bands in hot soapy water; rinse with warm water. Pour boiling water over flat lids in saucepan off the heat. Let stand in hot water until ready to use. Drain well before filling.
Place the chopped rhubarb along with the water in 4-qt. saucepan and bring to boil on high heat. Reduce heat and simmer until the rhubarb is tender {about 2-3 minutes}. Measure 4-1/2 cups of prepared rhubarb into a large pot {I use my dutch oven for this}.
Slowly stir the pectin and lemon juice into the prepared rhubarb. Add butter to reduce foaming {optional but I always do it}. Bring to full rolling boil {a boil that doesn’t stop bubbling when stirred} on high heat, stirring constantly.
Slowly stir in the sugar and cinnamon and return to a full rolling boil for 1 minute, making sure to stir constantly to avoid boiling over. Remove from heat and skim off any foam with metal spoon.
Ladle immediately into prepared jars, filling to within 1/4 inch of tops. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two-piece lids. Screw bands on. Place jars on elevated rack in a canner. Lower rack into canner. {Water must cover jars by 1 to 2 inches. Add boiling water, if necessary.} Cover; bring water to gentle boil. Process 10 min. Remove jars and place upright on towel to cool completely. After the jars have cooled, check the seals by pressing middles of lids with finger. If lids spring back, lids are not sealed and refrigeration is necessary.
Recipe Notes
Yields {5} 12 oz jars or {7.5} 8 oz jars
Looking for a few more canning recipes?
Find my Full List of Canning Recipes HERE
A few of my favorite canning books:
The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook
Food in Jars: Preserving in Small Batches Year-Round
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
Put ’em Up!: A Comprehensive Home Preserving Guide
Tart and Sweet: 101 Canning and Pickling Recipes for the Modern Kitchen
See More of my Canning Recipes HERE
Need a canner? I used the Granite Ware 11-1/2 Quart Covered Preserving Canner with Rack. And if you need a tool kit, I use one similar to this one.
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Desi says
If you get too much rhubarb this year. This cake it super yummy and perfect for summer, spring, fall, whenever. http://www.thekitchn.com/1950s-recipe-rhubarb-cake-170436
I use a cake mix(it’s faster), use 5 C. rhubarb and 1 C. Sugar.
Melissa's Honey Bee Hive says
I made some of this jam this past fall when I got a TON of rhubarb in my reclaimed produce boxes and WOW Mavis is not kidding – we LOVE this stuff! My favorite way to eat it is mixed into my oatmeal – yum!
Amber Knight says
Whoo!! hooo 1st time I got your links to work in the last 2 days
Mavis says
Jacqueline says
I’m going to have to give this a try, even though rhubarb isn’t so common here in Florida. What do you use it on? I just got the book “Jam On” by Laene McCarthy, and am LOVING it! Made your Strawberry Chipotle jam again last week, HUGE hit!!
Mavis says
Great, I’m glad you liked it. I use the rhubarb jam on toast. 🙂
Parisi Heier says
Am going to try this recipe -just a hint-sterilze your jars by putting them in the oven 300 degrees-lids in boiling water on stove.
Sarah says
I just made 8 half pints of this last weekend! Yum-o
Mavis says
Awesomeness! 🙂 I LOVE jam!
Jean says
This post came in just fine…and I LOVE rhubarb! I just got a plant – Victoria variety – that I’m going to try to keep alive here in SC. It’s dicey to try growing it here in the South, but maybe I’ll be able to baby it enough to get it established.
Becky says
I’m going to give this a try. Have you ever made rhubarb jam with jello? My aunt gave me the recipe. You can make it any flavor of jello.
Aunt Joan’s Rhubarb Jam
5 c. rhubarb
5 c. sugar
Mix and let set a few minutes for juice
Cook over low heat until tender. Remove from heat. Add 1 package 6oz. Jello. Stir to dissolve. Can pints in a water bath or freeze.
My kids favorite is raspberry.
Beth says
Thank you tot the great idea- I have 4 pounds of rhubarb coming this next weekend from Bountiful Basket…I will try this recipe!!
pat Lewis says
I just had to replace my Ball Blue Book (lent it to a friend and it’s become hers!) so I took my new copy to Staples, had them cut the binding and three-hole punch it. Bought a large 3-ring binder and put cover on outside sleeve of binder and inserted the pages into the binder.
Now, as I get additional canning recipes (caramel apple jam, carrot cake jam, apple/orange marmalade, pizza sauce, etc) I 3 hole punch the new recipe and put it in the appropriate section in the Blue Book expandable notebook! I never have those extra bits and pieces of canning recipes getting lost and when I’m getting ready to can, all of my recipes are in the same place!
Helps keep this disorganized gal happy!!!!
Tina B says
Pat Lewis; That’s brilliant!! The only thing I can think of to add to such a great idea is to insert your pages into clear pages so that when you spill (if you can, you tend to get splashes of the stuff in the kitchen, or at least I do!) it won’t ruin your precious pages. Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Mavis, the recipe sounds delicious. I’m going to make some once my rhubarb is up high enough. Right now it’s not yet tall enough to harvest. It’s been a cold winter here and my tulips haven’t even bloomed yet!
Michelle says
We just moved into a new house and inherited the old homeowners Rhubarb plants. They look huge already and it’s only May 1st! How do I know when they are right for picking?
Mavis says
Hi Michelle, I am still about a week away from harvesting rhubarb but the rhubarb should be firm and have an even dark pinkish or maroon color and be about 1/2″ to 1″ wide. I hope that helps. 🙂
Sandi says
I made my first Rhubarb Crisp last weekend. The jam recipe looks pretty enticing.
Mavis says
It’s really good Sandi!! 🙂
Jane says
Sooooooo I was doing my last of my required 4 hours of time for the community garden last week and as I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about this recipe….. I piped up and finally said, “Hey ladies….. anyone know someone with rhubarb getting in the garden path that they’d like removed???” One of the women couldn’t jump fast enough! She proceeded to tell me that I never had to ask her permission and can take as much as I wanted. During the picking I “accidentally” pulled a bit too hard, got a root, and stuck it in the ground on my area….. we’ll see. Now….. let’s hope this jam works out! Thanks a million (or a hundred) Mavis! Just love this stuff.
Deb says
Hi just wondered I was doing the water bath thing also I had my oven on , the oven reached temperature and beeped so I took my jam out thinking the ten min was up, later the timmer went off , do I need to do the water bath again if it did not have the full time?
Angie Tompkins says
i just made this jam for the first time and… I’m in love!
Here in West Virginia we always have a pile of rhubarb, but never for very long. This is wonderful for year’round rhubarb!
Colin says
Just wanted to say thanks. I have decided to get more into gardening and pick up canning. This is the first thing I have ever canned and it came out great. Probably too good as I know it won’t last that long.
Mavis Butterfield says
Yay! I’m so glad you liked it!!! The Rhubarb cinnamon jam recipe is one of my favorites.
Sally Wilker says
Can I make cinnamon rhubarb jam with the less sugar sure jell pectin product?
Tawnya says
I am also curious if the recipe can be used with the less sugar/no sugar pectin! Most jams/jellies are too sweet for me.
Mavis says
I don’t see why not! It would probably taste pretty dang good even with a bit less sugar!
Heidi N says
This sounds fabulous! Do you need to start with the 6 C of rhubarb? Later in the recipe it says to measure 4 1/2 C of the prepared rhubarb. Thanks!
Mavis says
It cooks down a bit so start with the 6 cups and then scoop out 4.5 cups of the boiled fruit.
Pam Doty says
Can this be made as a “Freezer” jam instead or does it have to be processed?
Mavis Butterfield says
I don’t see why not.
Pam Doty says
Do you think it would need to be cooked longer if I don’t process it?
Adrienne says
The recipe calls for 6 cups of rhubarb but then has you putting 4 1/2 cups in to a dutch oven. Where did the remaining 1 1/2 cups go?
Mavis Butterfield says
The amount of rhubarb will reduce because it is simmered down.
Monique says
Does the rhubarb stay stringy? If so could I pulse the rhubarb in jam?
Farmer Phyl says
Some rhubarb is not very bright red and the result is a dull grayish pink jam. As a child I refused to eat rhubarb because of the “yucky” color and strings. So when the rhubarb cooks down I always put it through the blender. For better color, add a handful of deep red rose petals that you put through the blender too. Voila beautiful bright red rhubarb jam. Just be sure the roses are grown organically. If you don’t have roses a handful of blueberries work well too. By the way, rhubarb plants look great in any ornamental garden bed, almost like tropical plants!
Pam Doty says
I always add a couple of drops of red food coloring to give it a little color.
Michelle says
Could I switch out the sugar with honey??
Mavis Butterfield says
“To use honey in place of sugar, use 7/8 cup for every cup of sugar, and don’t change the other liquids. According to food labs, honey may be substituted effectively for up to half the sugar called for in a canning syrup recipe.” From the Pick Your Own website
Michele says
My bottles sealed, but my jam didn’t set. If I follow the instructions on what to do if your jam doesn’t set on the pectin instructions it wants me to put more lemon juice in it than the original recipe called for. Any ideas on how to fix this without adding so much more lemon juice and sugar?
Michele says
I really don’t want to change the flavor by adding the additional stuff.
Terri says
Hi, would this recipe work with frozen rhubarb? Thanks
Mavis Butterfield says
I have not used frozen rhubarb before so ‘m not sure how it would turn out.
Megan says
I only have 3 cups of rhubarb so I was going to halve the recipe but I’m unsure on how much to put in the Dutch oven. Should I just put it all in the Dutch oven or only put a cup and half in?
Kim says
I have lots of rhubarb in the freezer. Can I use frozen for this recipe or does it have to be fresh?
Mavis Butterfield says
I have only used fresh rhubarb so I’m not sure how well frozen would do.
Ian coope says
Trying this first, as autum project for my scouts, evem just after cooking tast id great. Yhanks for shairing