I don’t think I’ve ever met a mason jar project I don’t like, so when I stumbled onto the genius creation of a simple mason jar radio, I thought cool beans! Two engineers have designed a simple mason jar radio that is pre-tuned to your one and only favorite radio station. They call it The Public Radio. It’s super simple: One station. One antenna. One volume knob. One little mason jar. Be still my beating heart.
The Public Radio is still very much in the beginning phase, but you can order a kit {or for a higher fee, have it pre-assembled and shipped}. You tell them what station you’d like it programmed to {instant NPR, anyone?}, and before they ship your kit, they set the dial. The literally “preserve” your favorite station–hee hee, get it?
I think one of these would look pretty darn cool on my office desk, because sometimes, simple is where it’s at.
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Mindy says
That is too friggin awesome.