The recipe called for 6lbs of tomatoes and since I recently awarded myself 1st place in the tomato category, I chose to use “prize-winning tomatoes” in this recipe.
I also decided to play it safe and break out the swine flu pandemic kit and gear up for chopping the jalapenos. The witch hat was an after thought, but I highly recommend it. I would have broken out the white hazmat suit and boots, but I thought that might be a little much. After all, I’m only canning salsa.
Because I have nothing better to do than layer my ingredients in the clear bowl and take pictures for you, umm that’s what I did. Sweet Baby Jesus, I need another hobby.
During the 15 minutes it took to process the “Zesty Salsa” I ate leftover pancakes with warm peach butter. FYI I am now officially rescinding all offers of peach butter for Christmas.
8 delicious pints of Zesty Salsa! Wahoo!
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