On the left side I had planted peas {in the wheelbarrow} in late March, followed by corn starts June 1st. On the right I planted corn starts on June 1st and planted pumpkin and beans a few weeks later. Note to self: do not plant peas and corn together again. Later today I will pull up the wimpy corn on the left and plant new corn starts (3 weeks old).
I pulled the last of the pea plants in the 3 garden boxes and 1 corn patch this morning. I think I will replant the 3 garden beds with a set of bush beans that should be ready to harvest mid September. I also decided that planting bush peas and tomato plants together was a bad idea. The tomato plants didn’t get enough sunlight and have turned out rather lanky compared to the other tomatoes that I planted with beans and nasturtiums.
Time to stop blogging and get back to work. The little monkeys don’t know it yet but I have pea shelling on the list for their morning activity today. Am I a great mom or what?
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Thy Hand says
Another great book about companion planting is “Carrots Love Tomatoes”. Shelling peas should always be farmed out to children if at all possible. It’s too tedious for us grown-ups:-).