I think I neglected to tell you one thing. For Christmas I received a ridiculous amount of Panera Gift cards. The HH received a large Starbucks card {which he offered me and I accepted}, Monkey Boy received toilet paper and The Girl received a 3 lb log of salami and a rather nice hunk of parmesan cheese. Why am I telling you this?
Well, I can’t exactly show you what I made without coming clean now can I? I mean seriously, I cannot help it if people want to give us weirdo gifts just because they know we will use them.
Whole grain miche with salami, cheese and tomato grilled to perfection on a panini grill.
I ♥ Panera
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Peggy says
That is so great! This is the first year that my in-laws finally agreed to give me a gift certificate to some place I really wanted… Aldi. Its a discount grocery store which originated in Germany and we love their imported chocolate. They are a cash/debit card only operation with little overhead but alas they do not accept coupons because they carry few name brands…
Love the gift of salami and TP and Panera cards!!
Mavis says
I would much rather have a gift card than an ugly sweater. I’ve heard of Adli and their low prices. Cool beans Peggy!