Sunday afternoon the HH and I had a Home Depot Date and bought a bunch of wood for the new garden boxes. The whole time we were there the HH kept trying to talk me into building ordinary garden boxes {1. Because they are easier and 2. Because I could build them myself}. But I held strong. 😉
So after loading up {24} 4″x4″x10′ boards we headed home. The original plan was to use 4″x6″x12′ boards but there wasn’t enough in stock {and I wanted these puppies build pronto}. As soon as we got home the HH dragged out his skill saw and tools and we got to work.
These new beds will be about 15″ deep and a little fancier than any raised garden beds I’ve had in the past. I found the design idea in an old gardening magazine awhile back and I really liked the look of the staggered corners.
Just for the record, my husband dislikes any and all gardening/house related projects. I think I had him build too many things when we were just starting out as homeowners and I turned him off completely to this kind of stuff. 😉 So I was pretty surprised when he offered to help me put the new raised garden boxes together.
Or maybe he was afraid I’d hurt myself with the sharp drill bit. Who knows… All I know is we’ll be finishing up the garden boxes when he gets home from work later today and I’ll get to start planting as soon as the fence is up.
The fence guys. Can someone please tell me how I end up with the cutest contractors every time we have work done on the house? SERIOUSLY. Chino the Handyman, Cameron the Carpenter, the Hottie Electrician… it’s like I can sense their awesomeness over the phone or something when I call to get a bid.
Dennis and his crew from Coatney Fence Company came by yesterday to set the fence posts. All ten million of them. If you’ve ever had to dig post holes before, you know it’s crazy hard to do
Luckily the hard part is over with and when they come back tomorrow the fun stuff {putting up fence boards} begins. Weeeeee! Lucy and I are VERY excited. In the mean time, The Girl and I still have a little more soil to shovel out of the driveway {and into the garden beds} and one last trip to the nursery for a few more plants.
Yep. That should keep us busy for the next 24 hours. Right?
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Tracy L. says
Oooooooooh!!!!!! I’m SO excited for you!!!! FREEDOM!!!! For you and Lucy!
Mavis says
Exactly!! I can’t wait!
Kari says
Can you explain the dowels? I love the staggered corners on the boxes!
Mavis Butterfield says
The dowels will hold the corners {stacked 4 boards high} together. He will trim them so they are flush with the top board.
Lana says
Here is a Friday night movie for you-Still Mine. And you can check out their raised beds made from old freezers which I think is the bomb but very ugly. Yours look great!
Mavis Butterfield says
I LOVE that movie!!!
Sue says
Whaaaa???!?!?! I just watched that movie recently (yes loved it) and totally missed the freezer-raised beds! What was I thinking! Guess I have to watch it again…
Melinda says
My grandpa did his gardening in old freezers. When he died my parent dug them all out and hauled them to the dump. Turns out there were 19 of them!
Marcia says
Love that raised bed design. Might have to get the hubby working on some for me.
Mavis says
Do it! He might not love the work, but you’ll love the results!
Courtney says
dowels would be great integrated trellis rods too ❤️
Mavis says
So true! Thanks for the tip!
Raymond Dean White says
Mavis, these look a bit like the raised beds I built. Take a tip and line the interior sides with plastic to prevent them from rotting when you water. I used 6 mil, since I had some left over from building hoop houses.
Mavis says
I’ve never had an issue with rotting. What type of lumber did you use?
Karin Carson says
Looks Fantastic, you will be the envy of the neighbourhood. I feel for your contractor setting the posts, I am a farm girl and we did our 120’x120′ riding arena all posts by hand, when we did our quarter section my dad thankfully had a post pounder for our tractor.
Mavis Butterfield says
Wowza! That must have been tough.
RebekahU says
Dear Mavis,
GUESS WHAT!!! You will have a FENCE tomorrow! HOORAY FOR YOU! YOU MADE IT WITHOUT GETTING INTO TROUBLE! 🙂 I really think you need to celebrate. Too bad naked gardening day was a couple of weeks ago…. hahahahahaha!
Mavis Butterfield says
So true. Had I of known about naked gardening day in advance we could have moved up the fence install date!!!
Julie says
Will you explain us how you built your garden beds? 🙂 From the few pictures they look amazing I want the same in my next house!! 🙂
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! Just as soon as they are finished. 🙂
Dena says
So, what plans do you have for your fence to prevent Lucy from digging out underneath?
Laura says
Hi Marvis, I may have missed this. Did you post the building plans for these boxes? They look awesome by the way!
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Laura. Here is the link for the garden boxes –>