Do you remember a couple of years back during the St. Jude’s or bust trip when we stopped by Dollywood? If not, it basically breaks down to this: my friend Lola is a turbo fan of Dolly, and since we were in the neighborhood, it seemed a shame not to stop off and check it out. Well, had I known that Lola would spend the entire drive there providing Dolly facts and tidbits {including musical renditions that could literally make your ears bleed}, I might’ve reconsidered. Hindsight is 20/20, right?
Here’s the thing, though: all of these years later, I still have all of those little facts rattling around my brain, and while I won’t tell Lola this, Dolly is kind of an interesting character.
So, when I found out about her Imagination Library, I thought, “Oh great, now I really do like her. Lola is never going to let me live this down.” If you haven’t heard of it, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a program where you sign your sweet little bundle of joy up, and he/she gets a free book every month until he/she turns 5 years old. How freakin’ cool is that?!
I can’t believe I am going to say this {and Lola, if you are reading this, this is partly for you} but, Dolly, you are a class act. So, if you have little ones, pop over, sign them up for this fantastic and totally free program.
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Kathie S. says
Did this for my daughter. It is a wonderful program.
Sidonie D says
This is a great program! It’s not available everywhere yet I believe – you have to live in a county that has a sponsorship. We were lucky enough to live in an area of NC that provided the program up until my daughter’s 5th birthday….so she got 60 books!
Cassie says
So cool! How do I sign up for this?
Ellen in Clackamas says
Has anyone from the Northwest tried to sign up for this? I sent the information to my granddaughter but if only works in certain places I want to let her know so she doesn’t think Gma is fooling with her!
Marcia says
Our almost 4 year old LOVES getting his books! I live in So Cal.
Jennifer Meyer says
This is so awesome! Thank you for sharing!