I was at the feed store the other day and noticed they had baby chicks for sale. *Sigh!* I have to admit, I reaaaallly wanted them. Then I remembered that I can’t even have garden beds exactly where I want them–baby chicks are a definite no. I also had to remind myself that I was simplifying.
After all of that, I decided the next best thing to getting baby chicks is teaching all of you how to start your own flock. I’m literally living vicariously through the internet at this point, so if any of you are therapists, just know that I know I’m crazy.
For the first several weeks of your chicks’ lives, you’ll need a warm place for them. The container is called a brooder, and you can use about a zillion different types of containers to do this from cardboard boxes to stock tanks. You’ll need a warming light {that will satisfy the warm part of “warm place”}. Also, you’ll want absorbent bedding {you will not believe how messy little tiny chicks can be}, a feeder, waterer, feed, grit, and netting or chicken wire {to put over the top of your container to prevent runaways}. To set up your chicken brooder, lay a thick layer of bedding down along the bottom. Place the feeder and waterer, filled, into the center of the chicken brooder–also sprinkle some feed into the bedding to encourage the chicks to scratch. Then, clip the warming light onto the side of the brooder and position it over the opening.
Now you are ready to add baby chicks. For the first week, you’ll want the brooder to be 95 degrees. You can drop the temperature 5 degrees each week until you get to 70 degrees. Hold at 70 degrees until it’s time to move them outside. Keep their feeder stocked and check on their water several times a day. They have an uncanny ability to tip their water, poop in the water, and in general, drain their water. So, you’ll find yourself filling it pretty often. Also, because they are going to literally quadruple in size over the next couple of weeks, you’ll find that they are big giant pigs when it comes to eating.
At about 4 weeks, it’s time to transition them to outside–slowly. It’s like hardening off plants, really. You want them to acclimate at a nice slow pace. Start that 4th week by placing them next to an open window or door. Let them experience the natural light and fluctuations in temperature. It’s a harsh world out there without warming lights-they are going to have to face it, like it or not.
If you weather is fairly mild, you can fully transition them outside somewhere between 5 and 8 weeks. Remember night time temperatures will need to be mild too. If you are adding them to an existing flock, I like to set them in a caged off area right next to the existing flock for several days.
This allows the flock to see them, without really being able to peck at them. After the holding pen period, go ahead and put them right in with your existing flock. They may get pecked at a bit by the older hens, but in general, they’ll learn the pecking order and fall in line.
If you are starting a flock for the first time with your baby chicks, transitioning them to outside is easier. First, transition them solely to the coop. Keep them in the coop for several days {assuming it has a run}. This will allow them to get settled. If you are going to have free-range chickens, remember they are still fairly small, and it’s important to keep them out of predators’ grasp–so a run is best to keep them safe. As they get older, they’ll learn to hide in the bushes or coop when they hear/see danger {i.e. a hawk or the like}. Make sure to shut them into the coop every night to keep raccoon, etc. from getting to them {depending on your area, of course}.
Once you have established your coop, remember to change their bedding, or put a fresh layer on frequently. Continue providing fresh water and plenty of food/scraps. Your ladies will not start laying until around 20 weeks, but in the meantime, they will create plenty of potential chicken poop compost…and seriously, I am not lying when I say that your garden will go nuts with this stuff. So make sure to use it.
If you are thinking about getting a flock of your own, check out the book Homemade Living: Keeping Chickens with Ashley English: All You Need to Know to Care for a Happy, Healthy Flock. It’s a super straight forward guide to raising chickens.
Any of YOU have plans to get chicks this spring? Are you adding to a flock or starting one?
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Wendi says
We’re pretty excited because yesterday we added 4 ducklings to our family. After adding 8 chickens 1 1/2 years ago, we had everything we needed. Now our creek and pond will have some extra life.
marg says
Mavis, thank you for posting How to Grow Baby Chicks. My daughter in law just got two chicks and has not raised anything but H E double toothpicks. I forwarded your post to her and thank you again! She will now possibly be a chicken farmer. Keeping fingers crossed.
Mavis Butterfield says
You too will do great!!! 🙂 Send me some pictures.
Ann GG says
Thanks for the post. I’m so excited, we just moved to a new house with property and are building a coop this week. We are going to be getting 4 producing hens from someone that can’t keep them anymore and I can’t wait to get some chickies too. We have been wanting to do this for so long. I always enjoyed reading about your chickens at the old house. Too bad you can’t get a few at the new one 🙁
BTW – love your blog 🙂
Ronald Esh says
Help I have a good smartphone but don’t know how to add pictures to this site to share my gardening, chicken, and other things involved in my experiences here from Kenya. Please can anyone help. I love this site it has helped learn & grow my new life here
Donna Miller says
My 4 wk old chick has hurt its leg. I don’t think its spraddle because it did not happen as a new born. I took it to a feed store to look at and they felt she had a twisted knee. they said it wasn’t dislocated. I was told to make a splint with a popsicle stick but not sure exactly how. Sometimes she will stand on it other times its out to the side. I tried taping the two legs with the strip in the middle but she would flop over. she could not stand. I would appreciate any help. this is my first time with chicks. I have 14 large hens and wanted to try chicks. but going nuts trying to help her