“Set in a subtropical paradise during the twilight era of the British Empire, Indian Summers explores the collision of the ruling class English with their Indian subjects, and the intricate game of power, politics, and passion that ensues.”
Season One of Indian Summers is included with Amazon Prime and there are 10 episodes. I guess I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. 😉
Let me know what you think if you decide to watch it–or if you have already seen it.
Peace out Girl Scouts & have yourself a great weekend,
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Jamie says
I watched both seasons. It’s beautifully done but a little hard to follow. Just watched the end of Season 2 and read that they are not renewing it for a 3rd season.
Meredith says
I watched season 1 and loved it! Season 2 is waiting for me on my DVR.
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
This series is so fantastic but it just never got the big audience it deserved. The second season was dark- not in a bad way but it’s not a comedy. I hope you love it!
mandy says
Please let us know how you like it. I watched some of season 1, I liked it. I felt lost though, I knew I needed to start over from the beginning and pay more attention to who is who. I just haven’t done it yet. Sometimes I try to multi task while watching movies, it’s a bad habit I need to stop and pay more attention. I have an idea this one would be worth paying full attention to.
Linda says
We stopped watching after a few episodes of season one. There seemed to be no character that wasn’t degenerate in some way or another and it seemed depressing. We love most of masterpiece though. Try Poldark!
Bren says
Indian Summers is fantastic! It actually got me into masterpiece theater. Thankfully they did a nice wrap up with the second season and just didn’t end the season with the viewers hanging.
Another pbs goodie was the Durells of Corfu. It’s based on a book called the Trilogy of Corfu. A widowed British mother leaves England and takes her four children to live in Greece.
And another pbs goodie which you can watch without paid pbs access online is A Chef’s Life. It focuses on Vivian Howard, a chef in a farm to table restaurant in North Carolina. Each episode focuses on a different ingredient like rice, heirloom tomatoes, or collard greens. Definitely an interesting watch.