Oranges and Sunshine tells the story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham who uncovered one of the most significant social scandals of recent times: the deportation of thousands of children from the United Kingdom to Australia. I read this book last summer and it was heartbreaking. I can’t wait to see if the book lives up to the movie.
Let me know what you think if you decide to watch it–or if you have already seen it.
Peace out Girl Scouts & have yourself a great weekend,
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Delores says
It is a great movie!
Violet says
Are you sure you meant to call yourself a “hooker by night”? 😉
Lisa Millar says
I haven’t read/seen this – I am not sure I could!! I’ll keep an eye out for the book tho.
And in a way it reminded me of a case that is ongoing now that my husband is reading about in Canada where about 50,000 kids were killed, as well as abused and tortured. Mass graves were discovered at the Mohawk school, – forensic evidence has now substantiated that the Crown of England, the Vatican and the Canadian government and churches are responsible for the death of more than 50,000 children across Canada !!!!
Right now there is an ongoing investigation into church and state. Its horrific.
All this is in our recent history – who knows what else is out there being covered up or ignored.
Aileen says
This movie reminds me of the book ‘The Lost Child of Philomena Lee’ & subsequent film ‘Philomena’ – incredible story of a mother’s search for her son after he was ‘adopted’ when she was a teenager & his parallel search for her. Amazing film with a similar heartbreaking story.