So, I’m going to take a little bit different approach this week to Friday Night at the Movies. I read Wild, but I am not sure if I want to watch the movie. Before I pay to rent it, I thought I’d ask my peeps {that’s you} if you’ve seen it? Is it worth my time/money? Will I be disappointed if I’ve read the book?
Let me know what you think if you decide to watch it–or if you have already seen it. Did you love it? Hate it? Can’t wait to watch it over and over?
Peace out Girl Scouts & have yourself a great weekend,
Looking for more movies?
Check out the full list of my Friday Night at the Movies Selections or click on over & look at all the movies on Amazon Instant Video. There are a ton of videos to choose from that will cost you absolutely nothing {nada, zilch, free-o} with Amazon Prime; like thousands of regular movies & TV shows & hundreds of documentaries {Wahoo!}. Get all the details HERE!
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Jenell Martin says
I loved the book & hated the movie! Very uncomfortable sex scenes and not enough details like the book had. If I had not read the book I would have been a little lost. I would save your money.
Melissa says
I really liked the movie – although hose to watch it before reading the book so don’t know if I would have been disappointed if I had read the book first. Plus I get movies free at the library so it usually seems worth giving them a shot 🙂
I do look forward to reading the book now!
Em says
I read the book and watched the movie. I got more from the book–like Jenell wrote–but did not hate the movie. Have you looked at reviews for the movie? (I have not.) if you watch it, let us know your thoughts!
Deborah says
Can’t help with that particular film, but I’d like to comment on that book/movie phenomenon you referenced.
In my case, I always prefer the book version. I’ve decided it’s because the movie I create in my head is better than any film. Or maybe it’s because the film is different (not better, not worse, just different) than the one in my mind. I don’t handle change well. 😉
Lesley says
The book was amazing, I couldn’t put it down. I read it in one night. I was disappointed in the movie. I would have liked to have seen more of the hiking adventures and less of the flashbacks to difficult times.
PattyB says
The trailer looks awesome. I’ve never heard of this story and I think I’ll get the book. Then watch the movie. I don’t have kids at home any more so I’m not worried about the “uncomfortable sex” scenes that Janell talked about.
debbie in alaska says
Read the book. watched the movie. think both are pretty great. different. but great. and the movie is worth it for Laura Dern alone. I say it’s worth the time — but then again I am content to spend a couple hours lounging and watching a movie even if it’s not great — so our guage or worthwhile-ness may be different. 🙂
Catherine says
I haven’t read the book, but I loved the movie. Very inspiring.
angela says
The book was fantastic, but most of it is in her head and her dealing with her thoughts. I feel that it didn’t translate very well to movie format. The movie wasn’t worth it for me.
Joann says
i loved the book and wished I wouldn’t have wasted my time on the movie. The book was so descriptive and really got into how difficult the first few days of the hike were for her. The movie shows her having trouble getting the heavy pack on and then jumps to day 3 or so and she seems just a little tired. I want my 2 hours back!
Pamela says
I “loved” the book and “liked” the movie very much. If you didn’t read the book you probably wouldn’t know what you were missing in the movie. My Tom really enjoyed it but didn’t read the book. So therein lies the difference.
Having had a similar experience myself in the Green Mountains of Vermont (although not for the same reasons as Sheryl), it conjured up a lot of memories. A good reminder of personal growth over the last 13 years.
Barb says
Movie is not worth watching. I wish I would have waited for Redbox but still would have wasted the $1.50 on it. Was extremely disappointed.
Janet says
I read the book before seeing the movie and liked it a lot. Saw the movie, bleaah. (thought Witherspoon was great though). Somehow the movie didn’t capture the real struggles Cheryl worked through on the trail. Kinda boring, maybe because I had already read the book. ?