While I was visiting Monticello and Polyface farm this past week I stopped at the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, Virginia.
The museum’s basic function is to celebrate the diversity of the early colonial immigrants–and to show how their backgrounds {English, German, Irish, West African} all contributed to the success of the colonies.
Holy canolies people, this place was cool.
The museum has several buildings, each reproductions of different backgrounds of the colonists.
It’s pretty rad to see how the architecture each immigrant brought with them totally shaped what we think of as “American” today.
Outside, the museum has two separate areas they refer to as The Old World Exhibits and the America exhibits.
The Old World exhibits show what rural life would have been like BEFORE the colonists made their way to America–it’s the lives they left behind.
The America exhibit shows a little bit of what their lives would have been like once they got here.
I wonder how many bugs {or protein as my grandfather would call it} flew into the soup when it was cooked outdoors? Yikes!
In the America exhibit, it is pretty cool to see the difference between the 1740 settlement and the 1850’s American farm.
Americans came A LONG way in just 90 short years–in what amounts to about 2 generations. Our ancestors had to work crazy hard so that we could live the lives we have today–and I have to be honest, it seems like they left quite a lot behind to come to America.
If you get a chance, the reproductions are very well done–I would totally recommend stopping by and checking it out. My only suggestion is to pack a picnic lunch though.
Even though this place is huge and you can spend hours there, the gift shop only sells souvenirs, fudge, beverages and ice cream. Maybe I’m weird, but I could have totally spent all day there.The Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia is the perfect spot to bring kids for the day. Learning {and wearing kids out at the same time} is AWESOME.
Frontier Culture Museum
1290 Richmond Road
Staunton, VA 24401
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Julie says
So glad to hear you enjoyed the museum. I live about 20 miles from there. I’d dare say every elementary student in the surrounding counties has taken a field trip there. You just never know where you’re going to turn up, Mavis! You’re kind of like Waldo.
Always welcome in Virginia. Come back to see us in August (17-22) for the Rockingham County Fair. Best fair around.
Yuliya says
Hi! Mavis! I used to follow your adventures 2 years ago and recently just decided to check up on you and yours! So much has happened 🙂
Anyways, I live in Charlottesville, VA and am excited to see that you have visited our end of the woods. Like Julie said, always welcome in VA!
Mavis says
Yes, I’ve been pretty busy these past 2 years. Ha. Thanks for stopping by and seeing what I’ve been up to!
Cecily says
The chimney on the red tudor is awesome!
Patti says
You are definitely a rolling stone. I lived the majority of my years in the NE and Mid Atlantic region, and you have visited far more sites than I ever have or probably will.
Rachel B says
I’ve never been to Virginia, but a couple years ago I was able to visit Rock Creek Station ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Creek_Station ) in Nebraska, along the Oregon Trail. It was so great! I’m kind of a pioneer nerd (when I was a kid, I used to dress up in a “prairie outfit” and walk around my neighborhood like that in the middle of summer… I’m sure my neighbors got some amusement out of that…), and read pioneer journals and all that, so I’m sure I would love this place, too. It looks gorgeous in the photos!
Mavis says
You really will have to check it out. Sooo worth it. And I might just have to head out to Nebraska!
Sandrine says
Thank you for this post about this museum in Virginia, i really found it interesting. As i live in Italy and never been to the USA, it’s a great way to travel! The pictures are really nice too. Thanks again.
Connie says
That place looks gorgeous! I’d like to get a one-way ticket out there! When I saw this post it reminded me of this reality show that PBS had on a good few years back called Frontier House. Have you heard of it? If not, you might want to check it out. :]
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! I loved it.