I seriously think I am addicted to seed packets. When I decided to order a packet of Rainbow Quinoa seeds the other day, I couldn’t stop with just one seed packet. I needed more. So this time around I also picked up Cosmic Purple Seeds, Gourmet Blend Beets, and Purple Top Rutabaga seeds. I don’t know that I have ever tried a rutabaga before, but I soon will.
Since my goal this year is to grow 2,000 pounds of vegetables in the backyard, companion planting is key. Sure I have 16 raised garden beds, but I like maximize my space as best as I can. In the picture above you can see how I was able to do a little companion planting in my {highly coveted} heirloom tomato beds.
I currently have 2 tomato beds planted with a Blood’s Bull beet border, 1 with French Breakfast radishes {which of course I am growing to trade} and the other beds are planted with various types of carrots and tomatoes.
Personally, I think one of the best aspects of companion planting is there are less weeds to pull. And if you are a gardener, that is a HUGE plus!
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Who know, you might just learn something new!
If you love growing heirlooms as much as I do, check out the book Gardening with Heirloom Seeds: Tried-and-True Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables for a New Generation by Lynn Coulter. Amazon currently has is priced at $15.58.
*Amazon prices can change at anytime.
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Sarah says
Speaking of Botanical Interests…I’m sure you already know, but your new boyfriend has a blog too! Here’s one of “The Gardening Coach” posts.
Do you thin your beet seeds? I try to thin beet and carrot seeds, but it’s hard since they’re so tiny and honestly I feel bad…Like the ones I picked are screaming “NOooo! I’ll make you a good carrot!” I don’t know why thinning broccoli doesn’t bother me. My grandma said beets and carrots will just grow where they can, and you don’t really HAVE to thin. What do you do?
Mavis says
Yes, I know about my new boyfriend’s blog. He said he wants to “co-blog” the next time he’s up here…. Oh BABY!
Hmmm… Maybe I need to make a trip out to Colorado to visit and see his garden and the one at Botanical Interest too.
It would be “research” right?
– As for thinning. YES, do it! I typically wait until they are about 2-3 inches tall. It’s a horrible job, but someone has to do it. 😉
Sarah says
Cool. I think I was trying to do it too soon; when they were too small. I have a few crops at different stages, so I’ll try it!
I’m jealous of anyone living in Colorado. I’m in boring Kansas, but we do have really long growing seasons.
Can’t wait for the co-blog! You should definitely take a trip to CO!
Karalee says
I used Mavis’s awesome idea about making a seed tape for my carrots this year because I HATE thinning them. (It seems like such a waste) And the seed tape worked GREAT. They’re all planted about 2 inches apart in neat little rows. Perfect! And I did it with my radishes as well. I’m using that method for a bunch of stuff next year. 🙂
Mavis says
Cool beans! I’m glad you liked using it.
Sarah says
Thanks Karalee! I must have missed that. I’ll look for it and try it on my next crop!
Kate says
Mavis, I believe we suffer from the same disorder… And I believe your blog is making mine worse!!! Ha! As for the rutabagas (which I may or may not be ordering today) fix them up mashed potato style! We actually have them this way every year at Thanksgiving. As always, loving what you do!
Cher says
what to do with rutabaga:
make Awesome Sauce!
I called it Dairy Free Cream Sauce, but my kids renamed it!
dice 1 rutabage and 1 head of cauliflower. slice whites of 2-3 leeks. mix in 9×13 pan with 2T minced garlic, 1/2 can coconut milk & 1 C chicken broth. Bake at 350 until tender…about 1 hour….then blend (might need a little water if to thick)…season to taste with salt, pepper & granulated garlic….use for rice or noodle casseroles, ‘cream’ soup base, sausage gravy base….
It’s really good and gets lots of veggies into a dish while tasting rich and creamy!
Mavis says
Ha Ha Awesome Sauce – I like it!
Jules says
Rutabagas are awesome! We put one in one of the kids’ Christmas stockings nearly every year. Strange, I know. We’d probably buy them a blender for Christmas too (haha) But rutabagas taste a lot like potatoes and cauliflower to me. Yum.
I weeded carrots today at our family farm/garden. And weeding always leads to thinning, usually inadvertently. Especially with little fingers helping me.
Diana says
I grew a lot of bulls blood beets this year and they are really good. I shredded them raw with apples and carrots for my salad today, and froze the tops to use in smoothies.
Mavis says
Really? I have never tried raw beets before. Thanks Diana, I will try this when mine are ready. 🙂
Wendy says
I also bought some rainbow quinoa seeds and am not sure where to plant them. They reach 4′-6′ tall! Do you know if they need to be staked or what would be a good companion planting site for them? Thanks.
Mavis says
Hi Wendy, I am planning on planting mine this weekend. I will write a post about it in the next day or two for you. 🙂
chelsea says
Hey Mavis!
This is my first year container gardening and I’m currently growing tomatoes and herbs. =) I was wondering do you have any experience growing carrots in containers? Is it too late to plant carrots? lol I am clueless when it comes to the right times for anything. (there is way to much comflicting info on the internet)
Also is their anything I can still plant this time of the year that would work well in containers? I’ve been using plastic tubs with drilled holes in the bottom.
Thank You!