Oh Baby! How would you like to win an gorgeous baby gift set from EllaJean.com?
This adorable giveaway is valued at $116.00 and all items are machine washable, and Made in the USA.
A little about Ella Jean –
When owner Robin Riggs was expecting her first child, she had a hard time finding accessories for the baby that were both stylish AND affordable. She wanted something that was cute for baby, but was also a reflection of HER personal style! So she decided to make her own! She found some beautiful designer fabric, combined it with soft & snuggly minky fabric that the baby would love, and the first Ella Jean blanket was born!
She named the company after her daughter, and the rest is history!
Here is what’s included in this giveaway:
Baby Blanket: This blanket combines designer cotton fabric with soft & luxurious minky dot fabric, resulting in a baby blanket that’s both stylish and super soft! Sure to become a favorite for both Mom & Baby! $46
Soft Blocks: Soft Blocks are made with coordinating designer print fabric and soft minky. Made to stimulate baby’s senses. Great for nursery decor, and fun to play with too! Stuffed with soft foam. Blocks are 5 inches, 4 inches and 3 inches square. $30
Ell Jean Bib: Featuring designer print on one side and soft, absorbent chenille on the other. This bib is a great size for both babies and toddlers; longer and wider than the typical bib to offer better protection. Snap closure at the top. $16
Ella Jean Burp Cloth Set: Ella Jean burp cloths are made with designer print on one side and soft, absorbent chenille on the other side. Two coordinating prints per set. $24
How to Enter
All you have to do to enter this giveaway is to leave a comment below letting us know what your best parenting tip for a new mother is.
1 entry per person/ip address. If you cheat, you will totally be disqualified.
This giveaway ends 12/16/12 @ 5 am PST and 1 winner will be chosen at random. The winner will be announced in the 12/16/12 edition of Mornings with Mavis.
Good Luck, I hope you win!
♥ Mavis
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cptacek says
Sleep when the baby sleeps.
Annie H says
Feed yourself first and get out of the house!
Lisa Marsh says
Accept help from family and friends.
vickie says
take lots of pictures they grow fast
Linda says
Enjoy every new and special moment because your baby will be ever changing….Relax and accept help from friends and family.
Jules says
Don’t stress about staying on a perfect schedule. There’s time enough for that when they are in school
Jen says
Take tons of pictures and videos. Don’t freak out over every little thing, it always seems to me like the overly obsessive moms have the kids with the most health issues. Relax and enjoy being a mom because it goes by WAY too fast! 🙂 I think that was more like 3 tips 🙂
My sister is due with her 3rd baby in June so this would be PERFECT for her! 🙂
Marcy says
You still need you time and don’t feel guilty about it (this takes a little work). It will make you more patient and treasure the time you spend with your baby more enjoyable (even when it’s the hard stuff) when you don’t feel torn three ways to Sunday.
Beth Portuese says
Great giveaway! I suppose my best advice is to tell your child everyday that you love them and love being with them …this, coupled with lots of hugs and snuggles for the little ones and other signs of affection for the older ones.
Cj says
when you do baby laundry always match up the velcro so you don’t get chains in the wash and it doesn’t snag other clothing items.
Lesley says
Enjoy this time and cuddle your baby. It will pass in a flash!
Leah says
Try gently massaging your baby after bath time in the evening from belly and work your way outwards. It soothes and calms the baby for bed time.
Laura says
Be proud. Don’t over-apologize because your baby is fussy when she doesn’t feel good. Don’t look sheepish when people comment on how chunky she is. Don’t get exasperated when you realize that, yes, she has your father-in-law’s nose and hairline. Some new mothers are too apologetic.
Remember- she is your’s and she is just as she should be.
You get to spend the rest of your life celebrating those simple truths.
Cindy says
It’s all just a phase.
Sadie says
Invest in a good camera and take lots of pictures.
Megan K says
As enjoyable as it is…. Don’t rock/nurse/etc. your baby to sleep. They need to learn to fall asleep without your help. The sooner they do, the sooner you will ALL get good nights of sleep.
(Obviously there are temporary exceptions to this… sick baby, etc.)
Lora says
Sleep when your baby sleeps.
You Can Call Me Jane says
Anticipate the baby’s needs. Instead of waiting until they’re crying from hunger, feed them. Lay them down or put them to sleep before they are overly tired. Talk to them face to face before they become lonely and need to know you’re nearby.
We found that anticipating their needs saves so much time and tears and teaches them that you will meet their little (and big!) needs so they need not fret. Disclaimer: Even with the best intentions, you won’t get it right every time and, thankfully, they still grow up great:-).
Melissa says
Let the cleaning go and enjoy your little one. Time goes so quickly.
Kim B. says
Don’t turn down hand-me downs 🙂
Teresa Yb. says
My best advice is you don’t have to take advice. Listen politely if you would like, then keep what you what you want and leave the rest. We all like to give advice to new mothers. It is HARD to be a new mother, but no amount of advice can prepare you for this baby.
You know your baby and yourself. Do what works for your family and situation.
Ashley says
Love it!
Laura Z says
Read to your baby every day, and let him or her have board books to handle as soon as they can manage to hold them. Also, you really don’t need 90 % of the junk the stores try to sell you!
Dawn A. says
My best tip for a new mother? Forget about doing anything the “right” way. Stare at your little angle, make silly faces, let yourself cry without shame, smell that baby, get skin to skin, and care for your child in the best way you can figure out how to do. Know that you are enough for your little one, you are capable even when you don’t feel it, and know you are your precious one’s world. Breathe in. Breath out. Relax. And here’s something nobody told us about raising children. The number one sentence you’ll be saying again and again, no matter what your child’s age, “I don’t know what to do!” Rest assured you’ll figure out something, and sometimes it will work, and sometimes it will not. And if you always problem solve with a loving heart, you and your child will be fine.
Lynda says
Read to your children 100’s of times a day. Let them read to you…even the bitty wee ones…let them make up their own stories. AND don’t let anyone else but you parent them…grandparents should “grandparent ” and caregivers should give care…but you and your significant other should be the only ones parenting.
Anne F. says
My best advice is to sleep or nap when your baby sleeps. It’s so easy to say, “I just get these few things done during nap time.” Try not to fall into that trap.
If you are well-rested, you will recover from labor and delivery more quickly, handle with midnight feedings more smoothly, and have a better milk supply if you are breast-feeding.
Kasee Johnson says
Don’t set your schedule around your baby, set the baby’s schedule around yours. Babies are more flexible than you think!
Savanna says
If nursing pay attention to what you eat and when your baby gets crabby. You can easily see if something you eat is causing a bellyache or too much gas.
Ashlee Craycroft says
Having a baby is stressful! Yes, the first few months are hard and you probably will be miserable but hang in there is will get better! All the snuggles and loves are very much worth it.
Ashley says
Don’t listen to advice! How do you sleep when the baby sleeps? Do fairies do your laundry? Get by with whatever means possible and remember that this is just a small frame of time in your life. – coming from a mom who has a 1 and a 2 year old who do.not.sleep.
Amanda H says
It’s okay to let the dishes pile up if you need a nap (and sometimes it really is one or the other) – or if it makes you feel better to get stuff done, it’s okay not to nap when the baby naps!
Ellen says
Enjoy this special time and blessing. Too soon, they will be asking for the car keys.
Tera says
How fun! I have a baby coming the middle of March 🙂 My best tip is probably just to chillax and enjoy your baby. Yes, no showers, sleep deprivation and cold meals suck; but it passes so fast and you can never get it back. Unless you keep having children…….
Bea says
It’s OK to ask for advice and then choose whether or not it’s applicable or works with your child.
Linda Jernigan says
Take a shower first thing in the morning – you may never have another chance.
Holly Reed says
Talk to your baby. All the time. At the store, in the car, whereever. Tell them what you are doing, interact with them. Dont just plug them into the TV, iphone and ipads, gameboys. They are only little for so long, and once you lose the chance, its gone forever.
Denise says
Sing songs, read lots of books, and talk, talk, talk to your little one.
Saralie says
Fill your freezer with breastfeeding safe meals. ie no onions,beans etc.. and once the baby comes accept that a good sleep may only last 2 hours at a time! Just enjoy your baby cause no one cares about your complaints!
Faith says
My best advice is “Trust your instincts, because no one knows your child like you do” and of course to enjoy every moment because they grow up so fast!
Page M says
I have two kids and one on the way, and the best advice I can give a new parent is to run a fan or use a white noise machine when the baby is sleeping. It works like a dream!
Laura Kate says
Listen to your instincts! But don’t be afraid to ask questions either.
Carrie H says
Say YES when someone offers there help and sleep when the baby sleeps.
Kaia says
Love, pray, and don’t stress 🙂
Jenna Consolo says
Sleep when the baby sleeps, and don’t worry about the mess! Someday you’ll have time to clean again. Better for everyone that you sleep.
Angie B says
hold and snuggle your baby all the time and don’t feel guilty about it!
victoria says
work diligently with your baby and its needs , keep their little bottoms clean and dry to prevent diaper rash , and most important , have patience ,and give tons of love.
Kat says
I’m due with my second baby any time now, so I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The most important thing to remember is to relax and notice all the sweet times. Everything works out, and you can’t control most of it anyway, no matter how hard you try. Now let’s see if I can stick with that this time 🙂
katherine says
as a new mother myself, baby is 6 weeks old, there are tons of things. but i am thankful i stuck with breastfeeding, it hurt like hell for 3 weeks, but it will get better.
Erika says
Best advice to new moms: after all the time and money you just spent on the perfect nursery, it’s ok to keep the baby in your room at nights, especially if you’re nursing. It’s soooo much easier than hauling yourself down the hall 4 times a night just to fall asleep holding your baby in a chair and waking with a crick in your neck and thankful you didn’t drop your baby. A porta crib or bassinet right next to your bed (if you’re not into the co-sleeping thing) can be a life saver. Didn’t even occur to me until my first was about a month old and I was a zombie for lack of sleep. Hubby suggested moving the bassinet into our room and suddenly we all started sleeping better! Sleep is soooo important!
Heather says
Live, Laugh, Love.
Lynn says
Enjoy every second…it goes so fast. My babies are 23 and 15 years old. If I could have a “do over” I would enjoy playing with them more and worried less about keeping the house clean!
Diana T. says
I have no advice because I’m just about to become a first-time mother myself. I’m busy reading all the other comments to see what wisdom the other readers have to share!
Melissa says
when it comes to breastfeeding, surround yourself with people who will help build your confidence, NOT anyone adding to your anxiety about how it’s going or whether the baby is gaining enough (yes it can be hard, for some people VERY hard) for the first few weeks, but don’t worry – you CAN produce enough milk (literally 98% of women can physically produce enough milk for their baby, so that’s nearly everyone) and worry or lack of confidence is a major issue in breastfeeding success for new moms – don’t worry, the baby is getting enough, if they want to nurse every 45 minutes for those first few weeks, don’t worry about that either – breastfeeding is all about supply and demand, so that will just help you build up your milk production!
Julie says
Get used to having spit-up, pee, and breast milk all over you and your clothes!
Devin says
Sleep when the baby sleeps. Let the housework go!
TIna Clum says
I gave my babies one hundred kisses a day for the first hundred days of their lives. Ten thousand kisses is a pretty good way to start your life. Yes, I did count.
Abby Shewchuk says
I am 8 months pregnant with my first..I think you made this giveaway for me! Advice for new moms…take it easy on yourself when you can and let others help when they volunteer! 🙂 I have tried to follow this advice thus far.
Heather says
Others might have good suggestions, but do what you feel is right for you and your baby!
Sarah M. says
Don’t stress about the method in which you feed, diaper, or care for your baby. As long as it gets done, and the baby is thriving, you’ve done it the right way!
lorri says
snuggle them while they are still small.
anna says
With our last little one coming in a few months the best advice I ever got is to…sleep when the baby sleeps. Which will be a little harder with a 5 year old and a 1 year old running around too!
Deanna says
I just gave this advice to my daughter, who is a 1st time mom herself to a beautiful baby girl…. “Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy… Breathe, relax and soak it in. Before you know it, your baby is all grown up!”
Janet says
Take time for yourself to just breathe, enjoy every moment while your baby is little, and forget the schedule! Just take the time to get to know your child!
Jen says
Sleep when you can and enjoy this time as much as possible- they grow so fast!
suzanne says
Yes Please, most awesome baby shower gift ever.
Tonia says
Enjoy every moment with your baby! Take time to admire every tiny finger and toe, every hair, and those tiny ears! They grow up too fast!
Angela Ruby says
Unconditional love will cover all. Listen to others advice but do what works for you and your family.
Jenn says
My husband gave me the best advice. He said, “This is a marathon, not a sprint, pace yourself.”
Samantha says
Make sure to breathe and to take time for oneself (massage, manicure, naptime etc)
Tracey says
Snuggle, snuggle, snuggle they are only little for too short a time.
Michele says
My best advice….don’t worry or fuss with how clean the house is. Sleep when the baby sleeps.
Heidi says
Take lots of pictures and video. It really does go by in a blink of an eye, and before you know it your little one will be walking and talking.
susan says
Don’t worry about vacuuming! Just enjoy your baby.
Tracy says
Find a routine that works for your family and stick with it:)
Megan says
I could so TOTALLY use this! I’m currently 17 weeks preggo with my second. My first is 9 yrs old…so its been a while. My advice to a new mom is to TRY not to compare themselves as a parent with friends or others because all situations are different. Be confident and proud!!
Christina D. Davis says
Don’t compare yourself or your parenting to another’s.
Jennifer says
Don’t try to do it all- ask for help. Hope I can remember that advice in a few months!
Stefanie says
Cherish every moment, it goes by way too fast!
Katie says
Take care of yourself so you can take care of the baby.
Angela Spicer says
When you get too stressed, just go into another room and take five. Then go back to the child and things will get better.
Dee Wolters says
Nap time is for baby and Mama! Turn off phone, hang sign on the door to not ring door bell and sleep.
Sukyee Ng says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Vanessa says
Don’t hold anything back. Love that baby with all you’ve got. You’ll never regret it.
Emma Benefiel says
Enjoy every stage of growing up as before you know it they will grown and out of the house:(
Sophie says
Accept that you are doing the best you can and dont sweat the small stuff!
maggiewann says
Surrender to Baby-Time, don’t fight it.
Myra H says
Sleep when your baby sleeps. You need to nap too!
Shelle says
Take advantage of those nice people who want to help out. Let someone bring you dinner, take out the trash, and walk your dog. Then you can focus on your sweet babe and not worry about the little stupid things that suck your time.
Susan says
This too shall pass – both the good & bad times, so don’t blink for a second, because you could miss something. Oh – and keep your sense of humor.
Kayla says
Don’t be afraid or apprehensive to ask for help. I could have used that advice when my daughter was born. 😉
Dawn says
Make sure your clothes are washable.
Rachel says
Forget cleaning the house…sleep when your little one sleeps!
Yankeegal says
Take advantage of offered help…let others take care of meals and laundry while you rest and tend to baby!
Tara says
Trust your instincts, don’t let everyone around you tell you what to do. You CAN hold your baby constantly if you want you, you won’t spoil them!!!
Also, enjoy those moments in the middle of the night when you are up with them. The time goes by so quickly.
Stephanie says
Dont have baby sleep with you…enjoy this time for yourself and your spouse!
Jessica W.S. says
Don’t try to be a “perfect” mom… aim for “good enough.”
Demarie says
Take a million pictures, then take three more.
Grandma Ann says
Live close to grandpa and grandma.
Wendy says
Do what works best for you and your family and ignore all the people who are giving you advice 🙂
schmei says
Read just enough to know what’s going on… then put the parenting books down and do what makes sense to you. Nobody knows your baby better than you do.
(I just found out a good friend of mine is expecting and I want to give her a cool gift – pick me!!!)
Laurel says
Snuggle, cuddle and love like crazy cause they wont cuddle forever! And listen to them as they mature into teens.
Kelsey says
Enjoy every minute of baby! They grow up so quick. I would also say don’t stress about being a parent. Do whats best to you and realize that you are human and are not perfect.
poppy says
Let family/friends help out around the house (even if they don’t fold the laundry the same way-at least it’s getting folded). This will give you more time with you little one.
Georgia says
As hard as it may be to understand with that new baby in your life, make time for your relationship. Don’t wrap your world around your child. 18 years later when they graduate you don’t know how to let them have their life because you will have no life and you will look at your spouse and go “who are you”. Realize that children need to grow and learn and make mistakes. Let them. If you fix everything for them, how will they survive when they are adults. They won’t. You will be fixing things until you die. Lastly, it takes a community to raise a child rather you believe it or not. Embrace the community and share with others.
Vanessa says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family!
Peggy Lannon says
The most important thing you can give your child is your time. Be involved in their lives. It is the small things & the time spent they will remember most.
Eleanor says
Enjoy your baby and let family help you out.
Isabelle says
Believe in yourself and your capabilities as a mother. You will hear advice on everything from everyone, listen to yourself and what you feel is the right thing to do, you know your baby/child better than anyone else!
Melinda D says
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Shelley D says
Enjoy and try to document every moment you can because before you know it they will be grown.
Jill Dolan says
Before reading through all of 110 previous comments, I was going to say, let the dishes go, there will be time tomorrow. However, I have seven kids and I would say not to be afraid of using Melatonin to help them get to sleep, you will be a better mom if they are well rested and you are too.
♥ Victoria ♥ says
♥♥♥ Every child is different and they change our lives in different ways. What works for one mom may not work for another. Their first year for me was the hardest but they change soooo much that first year. It’s the year that I miss the most. Enjoy every moment… including the bad ones, boo boos, and oopsies. ♥♥♥
stacy says
Get as much rest as possible…take care of yourself.
janette says
ask for a extra nose sucker from the hospital because you won’t be able to get one like it from the store
Summer says
When the baby naps the Mom should nap, you need your rest for the baby.
Randi S says
My best advice for a new mom is to follow your instincts!!
Hege says
Enjoy the moments you have now, time passes so quickly-the baby will be all grown up in no time!
Annabel Lee says
When baby wakes you up at night don’t look at the clock. That way you don’t know if you were just up an hour ago or 4. Do what needs to be done and go right back to bed. I still do this now if I wake up in the night…if I looked at clock and saw was 4:30 am might not fall back asleep because brain would start working and thinking about the upcoming day. If I don’t know the time I go back to sleep. Have done this for years and years….my youngest is now 23.
mandy says
do your best to stay calm and read to them alot. They may not understand the words, but they do understand the tones in your voice. Also, hug and hold alot.
Ann T. says
Enjoy your precious baby, because the time really does fly by way to fast.
I like the saying, “That you CAN NOT spoil a baby under 6 months of age!”
Kayla H says
I’m going to be a first time mom in March so I love reading all these great tips! This giveaway would be the perfect start to everything we’ll need!!
Grandma PattyB says
Teach your husband to change diapers.
Tina says
Enjoy every moment, before you know it you will have a teenager :}
Mary F says
Best parenting tip–take time for yourself and recharge your batteries as much as you can; usually the first few months you will have some sleepless nights, but baby will get in a routine and so will you. Enjoy your baby at each stage/age!
Brandi says
To still make time for yourself! You’ll be a better parent!