Woooo Hoooo! Guess where I am? It has got to be on my top 5 all time places to be in the world!!!!
I’m at the Airport!
Yippee! That means I’m GOING SOMEWHERE!
I don’t even freak out when the plane is late or when we have a 5 hour lay over and they give us each a $10 meal voucher to spend on crappy airport food. Heck I don’t even care when the creepy underpaid airport security people want to frisk me or if Monkey Boy passes out due to a lack of breakfast because the handsome husband keeps telling him, “Just wait til we are thru security then we will get something to eat.” And then not only does the boy pass out but he throws up all over the floor too. Whooo Hooo. GOOD TIMES!
I’m at the airport…
I’m at the airport…
I can’t wait for the stewardess to offer me a snack pack for $3 when I get on the plane. I’ll decline it of course and take the free 7-up soda instead because I will have packed my OWN SNACK bag of preservative filled goodness.
Anybody want to guess where I’m going? (Sadly it’s not Virginia today) Come on, what are you waiting for?
Guess where I’m headed and if you are the first person to get it right, I’ll mail you something from there! To narrow down your guess I WILL tell you this:
It is within the Continental United States.
(Obviously, if you know where I am, you may not guess!)
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