As I mentioned last week I was out of town for work. So when I returned I “had” to go to the grocery store for a couple of essential things like milk, yogurt, fresh fruit and stuffs for my quinoa salad. Well,l as you know, I can’t pass up that clearance bin. I couldn’t believe it had a coffee tin for $2.99, popcorn for .59 and granola bars for .99, all things we always seem to need.
There was also some really good sales going on. So look what all I ended up buying. I separated the items from left to right … clearance, sale and regular priced. I just have to point out that ham! FM has them for .99 a pound, honey baked and sliced. Normally it is $3.50ish a pound! Wow! So I decided to buy one and cut up for sandwiches and use the left overs and hock for ham and bean “soup”. HB boy is tired of soup so I am going to call it “stew”.
Once I found the ham I had to go back to the clearance bin and pick up several cans of beans and diced tomatoes. Yea, I love my ham and bean “stew” and normally make around the holidays when there always seems to be a ham on the table. But this week I am making it off season.
You know I guess if you look at my picture, my scoping out of clearance and sale items is growing and my regular priced items are shrinking. Now keep in mind this wasn’t my “normal” grocery day but I still don’t feel too bad about what I spent, $68.49. I went back on my normal day and spent another $67.55. LOL
I was talking to the cashier about my journey after she asked me why I was taking a picture of my groceries on the belt, (that’s what we do being from the south, chat with people) anyway she said, “girl don’t feel so bad about spending an extra $67 for the week, you got A LOT of groceries today” and you know, I did. I wished I had separated it out like I did earlier in the week and think I will do that from now on.
As I looked at the picture…. I needed stuff for cooking Meatloaf, a chicken and poblano pepper stew, my ham and bean “stew”, banana and tahini bread (I replaced the tahini with Nutella after seeing the $10 whopping price for a little can) and of course my beloved quinoa salad. A lot was on sale and on the clearance bin and of course the FM freebie. For which I had to buy anther since I have two HB kids and the bag was of the smaller variety for lunch boxes.
Now I have to take a step back and highlight a shopper’s alert! Check your clearance bin items closely. If you have a queasy stomach you may not want to look at this but YUCK! My little can of green chilies that I bought last week and was planning to dump in my ham and bean “stew” wasn’t up to the task. When I returned from my business trip and opened the pantry for the first time, I smelled that odd odor like an onion or potato was rotten. I looked and nothing was there so I was a little perplexed. But I didn’t have time to research it any longer.
While getting my cans ready for the ham and bean “stew” I picked up my little chilies and GROSS! Moldy junk was ballooning out the top. I have never had this happen to me before. If I remember correctly there had been little block ring under that can before I left. I had just wiped it down and didn’t think about it all. My mistake! Always inspect those clearance items. I know I will be from now on!
I also went to Costco this week and stuck to my list, about $93 worth. Do you see those water balloons? Best ever! HB boy wants a summer “water “birthday party so these will save me MEGA time filling each one. Money well spent! I also had to go the Home Depot and Lowe’s. I have Spring fever and wanted some beautiful colorful flowers. Such a mood lifter and I also needed to purchase a galvanized hinge to make the door for our new chicken coop.
Ms. Mavis says I am becoming a regular Martha Stewart, crafty as she is. I made this all out of materials we had except the hinge. My thought was to double the chicken wire so that in the winter we can stuff the middle with hay for insulation. I guess that IS a little crafty. ☺
Not a bad week ya think? Until next week….. Keep on budgeting!
Mrs. Hillbilly
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jessica says
I love the line “Its not a *GREAT DEAL* if you don’t need it”. I think that is truthful to things like the 15th pair of shorts, sneakers – anything non essential.. But when it comes to food, toiletries, paper products etc.. I am all about the DEAL.. If its an item we use regularly then I stock up whenever the deal arises.. unless I have NO cash availability.. Its not a deal if I need to pay interest on it..
Friday was my SCORE day at my local store.. The weekly deal was a jug of laundry detergent for .99! I got mine and grabbed another with my moms store card (I grab the items I know she will not get! She is a detergent snob so I scored).. The clearance cart was a MAJOR organic score for me.. boxes of K-cups, beef jerkey, lentil chips, and bags of lunch portioned snacks.. I would NEVER pay full price for any of those items.. I have enough lunch bagged snacks for the rest of the school year (Which mom doesn’t want to give up come May? lol), snack chips for the husband, jerky for the backpacks hiking trips etc.
Note on the Tahini.. It IS pricy to buy a jar.. but generally you only use a small amount at a time.. like in homemade hummus.. But I cannot imagine what it tastes like with banana!
Mel says
As someone who just very intentionally purchased 15 pairs of shorts, I laughed out loud at this. I see the point, but when there’s one brand of shorts that fit you and you find them cheap, you tend stock up the way you do with toiletries. They are all different prints, though, and I made sure to get tees I can mix and match. 🙂
jessica says
When I posted this I was specifically thinking about my kids.. not adults.. and you are right.. I am such a hard fit also.. so yeah. if/when I find a great fitting item I do pile up for me.. kids.. not so much.. lol
Mel says
Definitely–kids grow too fast to make that kind of stock up worthwhile. And, I suppose they aren’t truly essential for adults, but I think I might be compensating for last summer when I had to make do with 3 pairs since it completely threw off our laundry schedule. I think 15 is my limit though.
Cindy Brick says
I’m hoping you knew this, Mrs. HB — take that nasty can of chilies back! I’ve never had a problem with customer service giving me a refund for stuff like this. (I ask for it if the meat tastes ‘wrong’ or items — like milk — go bad too quickly, too.)
Vivian says
If you go to customer service, they will let you replace it without the can. I took back something bad and they said to not bother bringing back the product, just tell them about it. They did not seem to want the grossness at their desk!
Laura says
I’ve actually had the opposite happen to me. They wanted the rotten strawberries. I don’t go to the store all the time so I didn’t want them infecting all the stuff in my fridge. They told me to put them in the freezer (which might not be possible as my freezer is generally packed!). SMH.
Katrina says
Yes, Costco said that to me, too (WITH receipt)!
Melissa M. says
Awesome job Mrs. HB! I love your idea to put hay or straw in the coop door!
Helen in Meridian says
Being your faithful servant, I HAD to go to TJ Maxx twice this last week in search of your big planter. No Luck, Oh, but I will check my TJ Maxx and More later this week, Just in case.
Mavis Butterfield says
Helen!!!! 🙂
Mrs. HB says
Thank you Helen I much appreciate it . No need to acknowledge the implied comment from MS MAvis !!!
Peggy says
Good job Mrs. HB. 🙂