For the ninth week in a row I got together with Mrs. HB to do some grocery shopping and prepare some meals for the upcoming week. Those are the pictures you’ll see when you scroll through this post as well a few Mrs. HB sent that she took during the week.
So here we go…Week 9 in Mrs. HB’s own words:
You won’t believe what I just did.. I just erased everything I just wrote for Ms Mavis! And it was sooooo good! I hate technology! This so goes with my entry today because…. I WANT TO GO BACK TO PAPER AND PEN! You would NEVER loose everything with one wrong click! UGH , but that’s another blog. I am sure there is one out there! I also had to allow for a glass of wine for this frustrated moment, it IS still the weekend.
So… OM goodness this has been a week, one to forget? Or learn from… so many lessons. My OCD self has begun to check my online banking all the time making sure that something has not been charged or better yet that I have paid the things that I have charged that are automatic, like YMCA etc.
Anyway, this week I had to use my charge card for several online purchases. One for football registration for HB boy and the other two for HB girl. I went straight after to pay them online. I was so proud of myself! I combined HB girl charges into just one payment. That sounds good right? The next morning going into work HB Hubby calls frantic, “You have overdrawn by $350 plus dollars and there is a $755 payment to some Visa. What is going on?!”
“WHAT!” I said. I have done nothing “bad.”
“Well, figure it out” he says.
My blood pressure went sky high and was questioning myself. Had I done something and blanked it out, had I done something in my sleep? I was perplexed and distraught. Fortunately, I had a little nest egg and transferred money to cover the overdraft. I then looked at my online banking and saw a PAYMENT to a Visa.
Was it my Visa? I hadn’t made a payment for $755.89 WHAT WAS GOING ON? I had to go to a work appointment but right after that I marched right over to the bank and declared that I needed immediate help! They pulled up my account.
Fortunately, I had entered a memo, so I recognized that the issue concerned HB girls purchases. Still unsure and ready to go totally off the grid…. I saw the error. Instead of entering the combined amount of $75.57 I had inadvertently entered in $755.78!!! Come on seriously! I was relieved that it wasn’t something more serious but so disappointed in myself for not double checking the amount I entered. Lesson learned! Always double check the amount entered!!!!
So what else did I spend money on this week? Fred Meyer $79.46. A lot? Yes. I think because I am looking for those clearance items that aren’t on my list. I bought northern beans, two for $0.39, bread for $1.99, the $1 fruit and potato bags and $2.99 mushrooms for HB boy. He likes them in his omelets. Also HB girl got the stomach bug so I purchased ginger ale, saltines, sorbet, ect on the fly for her to ease her stomach pains.
I had planned to not to go to Costco… but I can blame Ms Mavis for this. She wanted to buy flowers* and since I had baked chicken on my list and FM was $3 more than Costco {and didn’t look that good} I caved. But… I ended up buying some pork buns for HB girl. She loves them and makes a good on the fly lunch box option. So there went another $15.
I also went back to Wilco since the sale was still on and bought some more chicken stuff $43.40. I should have really been pre planning with the sale, since we are going to redo the chicken pen over Spring break, but I didn’t think that far ahead.
And can you believe this? Our garage door broke! $258.77 later it works and it does sound much much quieter. We have been in our house for about 9 years and never thought to have the garage door serviced but it must have needed it. HB Hubby paid half. 🙂
I also spent $95.51 for my American Express annual fee. I only mention this because in the past I would have never noticed that charge had even occurred. I knew it happened but had no clue when nor for how much. Now I can’t wait to use those frequent flyer miles and then I will cancelled that puppy!
And lastly for our kids school, they hold an annual auction, that we are suppose to provide an item or basket, to help raise money. Last year my basket cost me $200+. I am all for supporting our schools but having a budget this year, it’s a little hard to fork out that kind of money. So I set out to give something that wouldn’t cost me quite as much.
First I thought I would do a candle theme. I have a lot floating around but it just didn’t come together. Then I remembered that I had a bunch of books for which I was going to take to the resale book store. I looked through and Lordy I had many My Little Pony items. Coloring books, journals, DVDs, games that had never been opened or had never been played with. So I put together a little “My Little Pony fun pack”. It came out so cute and FREE!
Oh yes, shush, it’s was MS Mavis’s B-day this week. Can you believe this? I didn’t even know it! What kind of friend am I? I did want to get her a little happy and I know just what she likes, plus it was on sale at Fred Meyer so she can’t object. 😉 She has done soooo much for me! Happy Birthday Mavis!
I almost forgot about my “other personal challenge” and so it goes, I haven’t been doing that well. But even little changes must do something. I lost 3/4 a pound. Better than gaining. Exercised two times, drank more water but not as much as last week, ate pasta… bummer, I need to make pasta free meals, DUH! and drank far less wine, except for today while writing this post. 🙂 So I guess I will just keep on trying to do better.
Until next week,
Mrs. Hillbilly
*Monkey Boy wanted to buy his Granny one of those tulips bulbs in a jar arrangements for her Birthday and asked if I could pick it up for him and he would pay me back. Trust me, I’m not the type who buys fresh flowers. 😉
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Cheri says
Keep up the good work–but about losing all you wrote, try this next time. Press Control-Z when you accidentally erase all your work! It should come right back. I learned this the hard way, too.
Rosaleen says
As Cheri wrote, try pressing control and z simultaneously. Most of us who know this found out the hard way.
As far as eating pasta, consider veggie noodles and shirataki noodles, either as substitutes or as part of your dish. It may take some getting used to doing this, but you can really cut down on carbs and calories this way.
Good luck!
KC says
Re: school auctions, not 100% sure how this works (whether you need forms or whatnot, whether you need to be on the organizing committee or not), but my mom asked stores for contributions to my sister’s school orchestra fundraising auctions, and they gave them! Mostly gift cards but some items (and sometimes big items, from places like travel agencies). Some “nope” responses, but a lot of places have “support local things” in their budget (charity plus a little bit of free advertising?) and all you have to do is ask. Before, we’d been baffled by how sometimes gift cards “sold” at auction for less than the gift card amount – it would have theoretically been better for the person giving to just give the money directly rather than buy the gift card and have the charity get less than the dollar amount – but if the gift card is free/discounted, then it starts making more sense. Anyway, just a thought for next time…
Carrie says
What is the recipe that had all the walnuts? in it? I can’t figure out what it is, but it looks good!
Mrs HB says
It’s pecan chicken . I am sure Mavis will post .
Tamara says
Hmm…could be a regular week in our house! You did well, though, Mrs. HB, AND, you lost weight! The gift basket is very cute. As is said: necessity is the mother of invention! Well done! Are those pears in the walnut mixture? Like others, it looks interesting. Can you share more about it?
Gina says
Mrs HB, You are doing such a great job! The amount of awareness you have about your budget, that you never had before, shows your dedication to your decision.
YHIPPEE! 3/4 of a pound is still going in the right direction. Any week with a down pound is a good week! These changes come in baby steps, and don’t be disappointed in yourself and give up. Giant hugs for your great progress.
Helen in Meridian says
Wow, you are so aware now. It may be too much trying to do both things at once. I am impressed you have lost so much this month. I hope the bank didn’t charge you a large fee for mistyping your amount. You don’t have to buy anything at the school auction, just for show. You have done your part. I have stopped going to “parties” that want to sell you things like cookware or jewelry. I tell the hostess I would be dleighted to come for tea or coffee sometime, but not at spending parties. I have no will power, and long ago learned I can buy Lenox and Portmeirion china cheaper at TJ MAxx or Tues morning or thrift shops, than plastic Tupperware.
Brianna says
Sometimes shopping at home is the best way to look for gifts or donations. My daughter is obsessed with My Little Pony and would hardly care at her age (5) if it is new, slightly used, or even previously loved. I would put a bid on your basket for sure! I’m always amazed with the clever thriftiness of people, you did a spectacular job. Some little girls face will light up and be so happy and enjoy all of those items.
Judy Terwilliger says
I know you and Mrs. HB are all about saving money, but you are also all about chickens. I saw these and just had to share them with you.
Lynne says
Thank you for your honesty as you learn and make mistakes. You and Mavis are refreshingly human and I’ve enjoyed your journey. Keep up the great work!
Tholl says
You have been doing a great job! The bank error must have been stressful especially when you have been making such an effort. One thing to keep in mind with the shopping, the more of your already established pantry that you use up, you will have to replace/buy other items that at the beginning of your budgeting you already had on hand, so some weeks will be higher. Keep up the good work!
Carrie says
I had a forgetful money moment this week. My hubby’s auto insurance was due Sunday (we pay separately) and we both forgot until Monday morning. I paid first thing Monday morning and haven’t heard anything about a late fee. Fingers crossed!
I am also trying to lose a few pounds. My goal is 10 pounds by May 1. I am planning a trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton in early June and want to be in good shape for lots of hiking and I want my clothes to fit a bit better! I also have a 8 month old puppy that has a lot of energy so we started using the Couch to 5K app to train. My hubs also got me to do a few body weight exercises with him while we watch tv. We did 10 reps and 5 sets of push ups, squats and sit ups last night. I’m a little sore today but I am hoping to keep up with the exercises 3 times a week.
Diet wise I try to substitute veggies for pasta and leave the bread off my plate. I made a really yummy baked spaghetti recipe in the crock pot on Sunday for hubs to eat and take for lunch this week and I ate spaghetti squash with the meat sauce with a few bites of the cheesy pasta. 🙂 I know if I completely deprive myself of those things I will fail. I’ve been eating salads with fruit for lunch everyday with homemade vinaigrette. I lost a pound this week!
Good luck on your 10th week of budgeting! You are doing great!
Rajena says
I don’t know if you’re doing monthly payments or paying in full every six months but I thought I would give you the heads up that if your renewing there is no late payment but you will not be covered for those few days you didn’t pay.
And Mrs. HB, I wanted to let you know you are not alone. While I haven’t entered the wrong amount, knock on wood, I have set it up to pull from the wrong account. The worst part is that all of a sudden two or three small under $10 amounts suddenly each become $25 or $30 more expensive just because of a small error. While it feels horrible it is a lesson that is never forgotten. Ya gotta find the positive to it right? 🙂 “Small” boo-boo aside you really are doing a great job!
Tracy says
Mrs. HB- YOU have truly inspired my family and so many others out there. I remember when I had to get my budget in check and start saving more. You are doing amazing in such a short period of time. My 11 year old daughter and I look forward to your post each week. You helped remind me not to go shopping unless you have a list and not just to buy unneeded items just because they are a good deal. Don’t be so hard on yourself and celebrate your many triumphs. Cheering you on!!!!!