I’m here to tell you… spending one hundred dollars a month on groceries to feed a family of four in America is totally doable. This past week we were able to enjoy chicken, ribs, steak, stir fry, crepes, you name it… No one went hungry… no one complained there wasn’t anything “good” to eat…
It makes me wonder what kind of groceries I was spending $800 a month on just 4 years ago…
You know… B.C. (Before Coupons).
Is convenience really worth paying full price?
Do people think it Ahh… it’s just a few pennies… whop t do… why bother clipping coupons…
It’s a waste of time… And there’s never coupons for anything good anyway…
Umm… Okay. If that’s what you want to believe…
But this crazy lady… She’s keeping her scissors sharpened.
Amazon: Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half
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Mike says
That really is pretty amazing, I like seeing your weekly totals on the sidebar. The chickens seem to be enjoying their frugal meal too.:)
Mavis says
I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that chickens will eat just about anything 🙂
Michelle says
And it all looks so delicious! I think we’ll have stir fry tonight…I have all those ingredients adn everyone loves it.
My mom brings me her coupons…I love it. She also adds in newspaper articles of interest….gardening, asthma, teens extreme drinking…ya know, the typical stuff. 😉
I have to admit…I was getting a bit annoyed with the whole coupon thing…but I’ve decided to master one store, CVS, and not worry about the rest. Once I made up my mind to do that, I’ve done quite well. I also ran into two extreme couponers at CVS last week and they both confirmed my opinion that our local Walgreen’s is NOT coupon queen friendly AT ALL. So thank goodness…it wasn’t just me. Whew.
Mavis says
One store is better than no stores 🙂