QFC $5 for groceries
For the boys. Bologna tastes like barf if you ask me.
Albertsons $20.90
I told Monkey Boy to stop by the store and pick up a few things so when I was gone he and the HH wouldn’t go hungry. This is what he came home with. I was actually kind of shocked he didn’t bring home a few bags of his beloved Doritos.
When I got home last night I noticed a huge bag of chips AND and half eaten bag of pork rinds {GAG!!!}. We typically operate under a don’t ask don’t tell system when I’m traveling so I’m not surewhat else they bought while I was away but whatever ever it was I’m sure it wasn’t fruit or vegetables. Ha!
Local Fruit Stand $5.52
A pound of bacon for $2.99? Yes please! The peppers and broccoli were for stir fry night.
Duris Fruit Stand $14.61
Buying food from a fruit stand is the best thing on the planet. Seriously. I’ve been a bit of a local foods slacker this year choosing convenience instead quality but there is still something inside of me that yells STOP when I pass a fruit stand. So there is always hope for next year.
Smith Brother’s Milk Delivery – Sponsored
While I was away I had some of the HH’s and Monkey Boy’s favorites delivered. Chocolate milk usually lasts about 2 days around here and the Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, well, that’s gone already. 😉
How did YOU do this week? Any deals? Did you shop the Albertsons big 75th Anniversary sale? Is there anything good I should stock up on?
Total Spent This Week $46.03
Total Spent This Year $ 1074.28
Total Spent This Year on Garden Seeds/Supplies $38.98
Go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
One Hundred Dollars a Month is proudly sponsored by Smith Brother’s Farms, my family’s favorite milk. Check out their website HERE and learn about the over 100 top quality products Smith Brothers Farms can deliver to your porch box.
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Donna in VA says
I have been doing well with CVS last week and today. They put various grocery items on sale weekly. They take manufacturer coupons. The best part is the CVS extra bucks/rewards. I used $8 today and $15 last week. I spent under $2 of my cash each time and got things like tea bags, pasta sauce, tuna, peanuts, and dried fruit.